
Mirror of gitlab.orekit.org:orekit/orekit-data with additional patches/files for ROSpace

This project contains some example data files useful that may be used as an initial setup for the Orekit library.

In order to use these files, simply download the latest archive and unzip it anywhere you want. Rename the orekit-data-master folder to orekit-data, note the path of this folder and add the following lines at the start of your program:

File orekitData = new File("/path/to/the/folder/orekit-data");
DataProvidersManager manager = DataProvidersManager.getInstance();
manager.addProvider(new DirectoryCrawler(orekitData));

This zip file contains:

  • JPL DE 430 ephemerides from 1990 to 2069,
  • IERS Earth orientation parameters from 1973 to October 2018 with predicted data to end 2018 (both IAU-1980 and IAU-2000),
  • configuration data for ITRF versions used in regular IERS files,
  • UTC-TAI history from 1972 to end of 2018,
  • Marshall Solar Activity Future Estimation from 1999 to October 2018,
  • the Eigen 6S gravity field
  • the FES 2004 ocean tides model.

The provided archive is just a convenience, it is intended as a starting point for Orekit setup. Users are responsible to update the files in the unzipped folder to suit their needs as new data is published by IERS, NASA... This is why we suggest to rename orekit-data-master into orekit-data to show that the live data folder is decorrelated from the initial master folder.

There is NO guarantee that this conveninence archive will be updated or even provided in the future.