
download Warngebiete (warning areas) from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A java script to create the areas.txt file for Tiny Weather Forecast Germany using GeoJSON files provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).


The file contains the 'Warngebiete' (warning areas/cells) used by the DWD when issuing weather warnings. Please see https://tinyweatherforecastgermanygroup.gitlab.io/index/areas.html for a searchable table of the contents.




The source code is based on the Area-Generator (Apache 2.0 License) created by @Starfish (Pawel Dube).

License: please see LICENSE files

This project is not affialited with or officially approved by any of the following organizations: Alphabet, Codeberg, the DWD, Google, GitLab or GitHub or related individuals in any way. Named trademarks, brands and icons belong to their owners.


Only use the source code in this repository on your own risk. The source code published here is by no means production-ready and not intended to be used in critical or commercial environments. Your mileage might vary.


  • All contributions to Tiny Weather Forecast Germany are managed at the 'main' code repository at codeberg.org
  • Translations are managed on the weblate server provided by Codeberg e.V.
  • Feel free to contribute to this script by opening issues and/or merge requests.
  • Please also see the automatically generated javadoc code documentation of Tiny Weather Forecast Germany at GitLab.
  • For cybersec, privacy and/or copyright related issues regarding this repository please directly contact the maintainer Jean-Luc Tibaux.