
Example code for the SFML Workshop

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

SFML Workshop

This repository holds the example code originally used for a SFML Workshop at the C++ Usergroup Zentralschweiz. If you find something to improve, don't hesitate to reach out or send a pull request.

01 - Setup

The most basic game loop using SFML.

  • Basic game loop
  • sf::RenderWindow
  • sf::Event

02 - Movement

Move are a colored rectangle one keyboard button press at a time.

  • Clear, draw, display
  • sf::RectangleShape
  • sf::Keyboard
  • sf::Event::KeyPressed & sf::Event::KeyReleased
  • sf::Vector2<T>

03 - Structure

Scope the application inside a class, thus allowing to share variables across multiple functions.

  • Basic game structure

04 - Sprite & Texture

Replace the colored shape with some picture.

  • Resource management
  • sf::Sprite
  • sf::Texture

05 - Map

Render the map based on fixed integer values.

  • Basic map handling
  • sf::Drawable

06 - Entity

Box entities need to be rendered separately.

  • Collision detection
  • Enum for types

07 - Audio

Play some background music and make some noise when moving.

  • sf::Music
  • sf::SoundBuffer
  • sf::Sound

08 - Text

Display a 'You Won!' text when the win condition is reached and show the steps taken.

  • sf::Font
  • sf::Text


This software is dual licensed under the Public Domain and the MIT license, choose whichever you prefer. See the LICENSE.md file for more details.
Note: The used assets do not fall under this license, but they are all licensed either CC0 or in the public domain