
preview image in mobile and web too...

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


m-preview-image let you preview image in mobile ,to make sure image is more smooth , m-preview-image will auto load three image (current , next and last )

browser support

  • android : 4.4 +
  • ios : 8 +
  • IE mobile : 10+

how to get?

  • in browser : download and add a tag :<script src="path-to/preview-image.js">
  • using node :

npm i m-preview-image -S

const previewImageV2 = require('m-preview-image');

don't forget to import style :import "m-preview-image/dist/m-preview-image.css"

how to use?

first you should have a url list just like:

var urls = [

and then call new PreviewImage({urls: urls}).preview(); when you want to preview images

urls can also be a list of object , when you give me a list of object , key of url should be url,just like :

var urls = [
    url: 'http://icon.nipic.com/BannerPic/20150821/home/20150821102514.jpg',
    optionalRender: '11111111111111'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20140722/20441639.jpg',
    optionalRender: '22222222'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20131219/11432580.jpg',
    optionalRender: '33333333'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20150831/23135049.jpg',
    optionalRender: '44444444'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20100710/23030647.jpg',
    optionalRender: '5555555'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20140923/16420259.jpg',
    optionalRender: '66666666'
  }, {
    url: 'http://image.tupian114.com/20140923/16510218.jpg',
    optionalRender: '7777777'

param optionalRender can allows you DIY you own render,such as render your own progress.

optionalRendercan now auto replace {index} to current index , {total} to total length of all url,or you can pass a function and return the html you want to render