
API-newman-POC is a sample project to demo newman capabalities

MIT LicenseMIT

API-newman-POC 🚀

This Project was created to as a mvp for running newman postman CLI

Parent Project 🎅

This repository is linked to its Parent POC Project, here is the link Test-Automation-Project-POCs.

How To Run 🏃

Its Simple!

Step 1: checkout this repository ( git clone https://github.com/eaccmk/API-newman-POC.git )

Step 2: Go the path where you did checkout ☝️

Step 3: Install newman npm install newman ref HowTo Install newman

Step 4: Run newman run api_collection.json -e environment.json -d test_data.csv

Some Details about project

  • api_collection.json : Test API Collection file, see How To Get This

  • environment.json : Test Environment file, enables to run ☝️ same collection on different envs.

  • test_data.csv : Test data file (This may be optional in most of the cases)

Sample Result run on terminal

Look at this wiki for more...

Credits 🙏

Thanks ! agify.io for making API free for test.

License 🔰

API-newman-POC was released under MIT License