
Primary LanguageJavaScript

EACIIT Project Boilerplate

Unofficial boilerplate for EACIIT project. This starter kit use SCB-based ui styles.


  • Auto setup database and default user if the database is not exists
  • Better logging
  • CRUD for users, access, and groups are ready
  • Better restriction access (user will not be able to directly access the available URL if not logged in)

Project Structures

- eaciit-project-boilerplate
    |- assets/
        |- 3rdparty/
        |- core/
    |- conf/
    |- controllers/
    |- models/
    |- views/
    |- helper/
    |- main.go


Checkout Project

cd $GOPATH/src/eaciit
git clone https://git.eaciitapp.com/novalagung/eaciit-project-boilerplate.git yourproject

Replace Package

go get github.com/novalagung/gorep

cd $GOPATH/src/eaciit/yourproject
$GOPATH/bin/gorep -from="eaciit/eaciit-project-boilerplate" -to="eaciit/yourproject"

Use default configuration file, then modify as you need

cd $GOPATH/src/eaciit/yourproject/webapp/apps/main/conf
cp app.json.template app.json

Run app

cd $GOPATH/src/eaciit/yourproject/webapp
go run main

Deploy app

cd $GOPATH/src/eaciit/yourproject/webapp
sh deploy.sh

Default Stuff

App port

This application use port :9000, you can change it on the webapp/conf/*.json

Mongo database access

    "dbHost": "localhost:27123",
    "dbName": "eaciit-project-boilerplate",
    "dbUsername": "",
    "dbPassword": ""


Two default users will be created at first.

  1. username: eaciit, password: Password.1 (under user group: admin, has access to dashboard and user management page)
  2. username: user, password: Password.1 (under user group: user, has access only to dashboard)


Login page


This boilerplate already used in some projects.

  1. NYSE - http://nyinov8.eaciit.com/
  2. SCB Home - http://scbhome.eaciitapp.com/
  3. SCB AM (API Portal Management) - http://api.exellerator.io/
  4. Yours will be next!

3rd Party Libraries

This project already integrated pretty well with these Libraries. You can also add new library if you want.

  • html5shiv
  • normalize
  • jquery
  • jszip
  • kendoui
  • knockoutjs
  • knockout-kendo
  • tooltipster
  • sweetalert
  • bootstrap
  • bootstrap-switch
  • bootstrap-validator
  • lodash
  • momentjs
  • animate.css
  • font-awesome
  • spinkit


Created & maintained by @novalagung.