
TelegramBot that finds flats on several flatportals

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Python Flathunter-Helper


This is a fork from flathunter. flathunter is a brilliant tool, that scans flatportals and sends notifications via Telegram when new exposes arrive.

Supported platforms


Virtual Environment (Optional)

To keep you python environment and site-packages clean, it is recommended to run the project in a virtual environment. Install virtualenv, create a venv and activate.

$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate


Install requirements from requirements.txt to run execute flathunter properly.

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: flathunter.py [-h] [--config CONFIG]

Searches for flats on Immobilienscout24.de and wg-gesucht.de and sends results
to Telegram User

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Config file to use. If not set, try to use


Bot registration

A new bot can registered with the telegram chat with the BotFather.


To get the chat id, the REST-Api of telegram can be used to fetch the received messages of the Bot.

$ curl https://api.telegram.org/bot[BOT-TOKEN]/getUpdates

Google API

To use the distance calculation feature a Google API-Key is needed.


  • Add better error handling to crawlers
  • Add option in config to hide preview image

If you need a new feature feel free to create a new issue.
