Raw data and plotting code for user studies in:
R. Konrad, E.A. Cooper, and G. Wetzstein. Novel Optical Configurations for Virtual Reality: Evaluating User Preference and Performance with Focus-tunable and Monovision Near-eye Displays. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2016
User Preference Study
Data are contained in preference_data.mat in the structure called "data"
Rows are trials, Columns are:
(1) Display mode (0 -> normal, 1 -> adaptive DOF, 2 -> adaptive focus, 3 -> adaptive focus + DOF, 4 -> monovision) (2) Ranking (1 best, 5 worse) (3) User ID
User Performance Studies
Data are contained in performance_data.mat in two structures, "data_clarity" and "data_depth" Each structure has 5 fields for the 5 different display modes
Rows are trials, Columns are:
(1) Correct? (1 = yes) (2) response time (s) (3) Viewing distance (D) (4) Target relative distance (5) Trial number (6) User ID
Note that in the Depth Judgment task, data from 4 trials were lost, so these matrices have 836 rathern than 840 entries