Django Ninja Extra - Class-Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
Pinned issues
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- 15
Permissions are verified before authentication.
#212 opened by airddm - 4
How do I override the default methods for the ModelControllerBase operations?
#207 opened by josefson - 0
- 4
APIController cannot register on router
#163 opened by zhoujingryan - 7
- 6
async session auth bug
#201 opened by amirreza8002 - 1
Throttle response message customization
#202 opened by tmorgan497 - 2
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@Pagination Can't work with multiple response (non paginated response).
#185 opened by Elixir-MeetThoriya - 2
Define the message when has_permission is False
#193 opened by cololi - 3
Full text search (@) error
#189 opened by EricGadbin - 4
- 3
Inconsistent and Inflexible Exception Handling
#184 opened by tareksanger - 4
Can ordering feature cross relations?
#101 opened by ddahan - 2
#157 opened by horizon365 - 0
- 0
Configurable Lookup Field for ModelControllerBase
#178 opened by tareksanger - 2
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Generated operationId can start with number breaking many openapi generators
#173 opened by Loeffeldude - 4
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After adding the blacklist successfully, the token is still authenticated successfully
#167 opened by AshuaiNe - 2
Incompatible with Django Ninja 1.2.0
#148 opened by shmulvad - 2
- 14
`@csrf_exempt` seems not working with `api_controller`
#146 opened by Tragio - 3
How to put Controller under router
#128 opened by pirate - 4
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Logging levels issue
#138 opened by mrisedev - 4
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Error when using ModelController
#134 opened by TianaNanta - 4
- 1
how to add decorator to methods avoiding problems
#117 opened by Metal-Bat - 7
APIController Router not working
#115 opened by marin117 - 7
Throttling before authentication
#91 opened by MGotkowski - 5
Form Data/File Upload doesn't work
#112 opened by maahad767 - 2
"All controller endpoint must be `async`." Possible to make ModelControllerBase async?
#103 opened by evanheckert - 3
`auth=None` raises `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__call__'`
#106 opened by imperosol - 1
Loose requirements for django-ninja package
#97 opened by sky-code - 7
Using Custom Pagination in Django Ninja
#99 opened by ddahan - 1
- 0
Throttling before authentication
#90 opened by MGotkowski - 3
Custom renderer in tests
#84 opened by MGotkowski - 4
Dependency injection does not work as expected
#81 opened by lewoudar - 14
[BUG] RouteContext (Async): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'request'
#75 opened by joaoflaviosantos - 2
Mistake in documentation?
#70 opened by don-philipe