Java Heap Analyzer Eddie Aftandilian ( This is the front end to our heap visualization system, Heapviz ( This program does the following: 1) takes as input an HPROF heap dump file in binary format 2) parses it 3) builds a graph where each object instance is a vertex and each pointer/ reference is an edge 4) optionally summarizes the graph 5) outputs the graph in GraphML format I provide a sample heap dump from Dacapo antlr in the file java.hprof. Running: 1. Type this command at the prompt: % java edu.tufts.cs.eaftan.heapvis.Parse bh.hprof "java.hprof" is the name of an Hprof heap dump file. If the heap dump file contains more than one heap dump, we will generate GraphML for both. You may optionally give the option "-nosummary" to skip the summarization step: % java edu.tufts.cs.eaftan.heapvis.Parse -nosummary bh.hprof The build uses Maven ( You can build it with the following command: $ maven compile To produce a binary heap dump from the Oracle JVM, use the following command: java -agentlib:hprof=heap=dump,format=b ToBeProfiledClass This will dump the heap at the end of program execution. See the documentation referenced above to see how to produce heap dumps at other points in program execution. This code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file in this directory for details.