
Unity3d/Py/PHP/SQL - Open Database Framework [In-Dev-Stable]

Primary LanguageC#


What is it?

A personal experiment.

  • A tool to track anything and pipe it into a SQL database
  • Once it's there, graphs are generated
  • Backend correllations are performed automatically - Giving insight into cause and effect across small details of your life

The point of the functionality is to visualize the effects of the small things you do, that you never see.
Additional usage is for inputting and querying any type of dataset with simple input, and receiving graphs in return.


Machine Learning (ML)

  • Functionality/Interface to trigger dataset to generate ML model after having enough data.
  • Functionality/interface to push proposed actions to generate realtime predictions.
  • Requirements: Apache/PHP/mySQL/Tensorflow/Python3/Jupyter/Numpy/Matplotlib

Setup and Requirements

  • Apache / PHP / mySQL
  • Python - All libraries available through pip install (matplotlib, jupyter, pandas, MySQLDb, pylab)
  • Unity3d (If you want to modify the local app c# and visuals of the application)

Once you have the requirements in place:

  • Change any SQL login code to reflect your own server
  • Place the jupyter notebook python, and php script on /var/www/html (Somewhere accessible to www users)


  • On the roadmap is securing the setup and documenting proper setup of folder and user permissions on the server


  • Feel free to contribute: making additions to functionality, security, client/server, etc...
  • Post issues on this repository for assistance on setup or other issues/questions