
Node Powered Application that utilizes Raspberry Pi GPIO to open and close your Garage Door(s).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Garage Door Opener with Raspberry Pi

Use Case

If you are absent-minded like me, I tend to leave the house and forget to close my garage door. I also hate keeping those blocky remotes on my person if I'm riding a motorcycle, or sometimes I even lock myself out of the house... What if you could setup a server for a resonable price, easy to install and you can open/close your garage door from anywhere?

What it does

This Application is meant to be ran from your mobile device (i.e., phone, tablet, etc.) as well as a browser on a PC. You can use it to see when your garage was open/closed, if it is open/closed?, and also open/close your garage from anywhere. You can add up to two garage doors for this app. I only have one garage door, but I plan on extending it to opening more than two garages, or multiple homes (if you're rich!) :P Or perhaps... You want to add your Parents garage. :)

This is a work in progress

This Application is currently a work in progress and is not ready for use in your home just yet. I am actively working on this so that I too can have this working in my garage.

Initial Setup of your raspberry pi

This setup requires that you use any flavor of linux (preferabbly Rasbian pi, or Ubuntu)

This application requires the installation of the following:

- mongodb
- nodejs

In order to start your mongodb server run:


Setup your node Application.

To install and run:

npm install

Run Front End Code

npm run start

Run Back End Code

npm run start-be


  • Create a way to reset your password.
  • Create a user profile and dashboard that you can change/update your password.
  • Create an ability to add garages.
  • Create a ability to Add Homes.

Stretch Goal(s):

  • Create this in docker so it is easy to setup for the user.