
This cookbook creates a `cleanup` resource to handle the cleanup of arbitrary paths based on number of files or last modified dates.

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Chef cookbook


This cookbook creates a cleanup resource to handle the cleanup of arbitrary paths based on number of files or last modified dates.


  • name - String representing a path glob so wildcards are totally fine.
  • dry_run - true/false Defaults to false. If true will disable actual file operations.`
  • files - true/false Defaults to true. If false will ignore files during cleanup.
  • directories - true/false Defaults to true. If false will ignore directories during cleanup.
  • sort_by - :atime/:ctime/:mtime Defaults to :mtime. Sort the files to be deleted by their (a)ccess, (c)reate or (m)odified time.

keep_last and older_than are mutally exclusive since I can't think of any way combining them makes sense.

  • keep_last - Takes an integer. Will keep that many files starting from the most recent.
  • older_than - Takes a hash that looks like {:time_increment => time_quantity}. Increments can be one of [:minutes, :hours, :days, :weeks] (months are hard).


Include the cookbook then just call the cleanup resource from your recipe like this:

Keep the most recent 5 files

cleanup "/your/path/here/*" do
  keep_last 5

Delete files older than 1 week

cleanup "/your/path/here/*" do
  older_than :weeks => 1