
Neo Geo SDK

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Neo Geo SDK


Ubuntu Linux ==> https://ubuntu.com/
m68k compiler ==> https://github.com/eaglesoftware777/neogeosdk/releases/download/v1.0/x-tools.tar
mame ==> https://www.mamedev.org/
srecord ==> https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=srecord
python 2.7 ==> https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/
numpy ==> https://numpy.org/
pypng ==> https://pypi.org/project/pypng/
sqlite3 ==> https://www.sqlite.org/index.html

Optional :

Geany ==> https://www.geany.org/

Installation :

sudo apt-get install mame
sudo apt-get install srecord
sudo apt-get install python2
pip install numpy
pip install pypng

Put sdk on ~/neogeosdk
Put xtools on ~/x-tools

Compilation/Test :

cd ~/neogeosdk
compile : make
test : make test
debug : make debug
dump : make dump
artbox : make art
clean : make clean
artbox clean : make art-clean

Windows :

install sysprogs m68k compiler for windows
m68k compiler : https://sysprogs.com/files/gnutoolchains/m68k-elf/m68k-elf-gcc4.8.0.exe
install python 2.7 :https://www.python.org/ftp/python/

install python required package
py -2.7 -m pip install numpy
py -2.7 -m pip install pypng
py -2.7 -m pip install sqlite3

Change SDKHOME variable in the makefile and artbox bat files such as :
SDKHOME = Windows folder containing neogeosdk
Default is set to C: driver
Path to neogeo sdk : c:\neogeosdk

srec_cat.exe and xxd.exe are in the folder neogeosdk\win
srec_cat.exe : http://srecord.sourceforge.net/download.html
xxd.exe is used for dumping the rom, you can change it with an equivalent tool or another windows version : (https://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/vim/pc/gvim73_46_s.zip)
xxd.exe were taken from : https://sourceforge.net/projects/xxd-for-windows/

Uncompress/install mame in a folder , the makefile use %SDKHOME%\mame\mame.exe
You can change the makefile with your mame.exe path to test the rom

Compilation/Test :

cd %SDKHOME%\neogeosdk
compile : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak
test : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak test
debug : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak debug
dump : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak dump
artbox : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak art
clean : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak clean
artbox clean : c:\SysGCC\m68k-elf\bin\make -f MakefileWin32.mak art-clean