
A lightweight OpenID Connect (OIDC) server

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


minioidc is a lightweight OpenID Connect (OIDC) server designed to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality for small or home networks. While not a complete OIDC implementation, minioidc currently supports the following grant types:

  • Authorization Code with PKCE: Securely obtain an authorization code using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE).
  • Refresh Token: Extend the validity of access tokens using refresh tokens.


  • Simple and Lightweight: minioidc is designed to be a straightforward solution for enabling SSO in small or home networks.
  • Client and User Configuration: Easily configure client and user data directly in the YAML configuration file.
  • Flexible Data Storage: Store grant and session data in memory or use a SQLite v3 database for more persistent storage.
  • LDAP Users Integration: Use LDAP users to login.
  • MFA: Require MFA for all users using TOTP App (e.g. Google Authenticator).
  • Secure by Default: Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), Content Security Policy (CSP), secure cookies, and more with a single configuration option.


The following features are planned for future releases:

  • OIDC Discovery
  • Authorization Code with PKCE
  • Refresh Token
  • CSRF
  • Yaml config file
  • ENV secrets inside yaml config file
  • Sqlite database for grants and sessions (and also for MFA)
  • MFA with TOTP App (e.g. Google Authenticator)
  • MFA with email?
  • Ldap Users integration

Getting Started

  • You can create a docker image and run it with the following commands:
make build-docker && make run-docker

And then visit http://localhost:8000.

  • You can also use the visual studio code launch configuration to run the server in debug mode.

  • Or you can call the make run command to run the server directly.

Makefile Commands

There are several commands available in the Makefile:

  • make build - Build the binary
  • make run - Run the binary
  • make build-docker - Build the docker image
  • make run-docker - Run the docker image
  • make test - Run the tests
  • make clean - Clean the binary
  • make lint - Run the linter
  • make hash text=plain_text_to_hash - Generate a hash from a given text


You have to set the following environment variables:

  • MINIOIDC_ADDR - The address to listen on (default: :8000)
  • MINIOIDC_CONFIG - The path to the yaml configuration file

The configuration file is a yaml file with the following structure:

name: My MiniOIDC
masterkey: 12345678901234567890123456789012
issuer: http://example.com
audience: http://example.com
require_mfa: true
reuse_refresh_tokens: false
private_rsa_key_path: private_key.pem
  hsts: true
  csp: true
  secure_cookies: true
  forward_headers: true
  log_requests: true
  access: 20 # minutes
  refresh: 129600 # 90 days
  session: 129600 # 90 days
  code: 5 # minutes
  csrf: 5 # minutes
  filepath: db.sqlite3
  use_in_grants: true
  use_in_sessions: true
  use_in_mfa: true
    server: localhost:389
    bind: uid=admin,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
    password: password
    base_dn: dc=example,dc=com
    filter_dn: (&(uid={username})(objectClass=person))
      subject: uidNumber
      name: uid
      email: mail
      phone: phone
      address: address
  base: templates/base.html
  login: templates/login2.html
  mfa_create: templates/mfa_create.html
  mfa_verify: templates/mfa_verify.html
  - id: myclient
    secret_hash: $2a$06$L6/zALdtbkYajjHTZUW29ePBEb/hwhgjhXC4YpHANavvKDJl69ctK # secret
     - http://myapi.com/callback
  - subject: 1
    email: use@mail.com
    email_verified: true
    preferred_username: user
    password_hash: $2a$06$03dduqc0lMbsb5go/l6RI.cRb03Hos9CMpgm5/yYuRsSQPHtrFwSq # password
    phone: +1234567890
    address: 1 Main St. City, State 12345
      - admin

In the root section, you can configure the following settings:

  • issuer - The OIDC issuer
  • audience - The OIDC audience
  • require_mfa - Whether to require MFA for all users (default: false)
  • reuse_refresh_tokens - Whether to allow re-use refresh tokens (default: false)
  • private_rsa_key_path - The path to the private RSA key (if not set, a new random key will be generated)

In the middlewares section, you can activate the following middlewares:

  • hsts - Whether to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) (default: false)
  • csp - Whether to enable Content Security Policy (CSP) (default: false)
  • secure_cookies - Whether to enable secure cookies (default: false)
  • forward_headers - Whether to forward headers (default: false)
  • log_requests - Whether to log requests (default: false)

In the ttl section, you can configure the following TTLs:

  • access - The access token TTL in minutes (default: 20)
  • refresh - The refresh token TTL in minutes (default: 129600, 90 days)
  • session - The session TTL in minutes (default: 129600, 90 days)
  • code - The authorization code TTL in minutes (default: 5)
  • csrf - The CSRF token TTL in minutes (default: 5)

In the sqlite section, you can configure the following SQLite settings:

  • filepath - The path to the SQLite database file. It is mandatory if use_in_grants or use_in_sessions is set to true.
  • use_in_grants - Whether to use the SQLite database for storing grant data (default: false)
  • use_in_sessions - Whether to use the SQLite database for storing session data (default: false)
  • use_in_mfa - Whether to use the SQLite database for storing MFA data (default: false)

In the ldap section, you can configure the LDAP user store settings:

  • server - The LDAP server address
  • bind - The LDAP bind DN
  • password - The LDAP bind password
  • base_dn - The LDAP base DN
  • filter_dn - The LDAP filter DN
  • attributes - The LDAP attributes to use for each user property
  • attributes.subject - The LDAP attribute to use for the user subject
  • attributes.name - The LDAP attribute to use for the user name
  • attributes.email - The LDAP attribute to use for the user email
  • attributes.phone - The LDAP attribute to use for the user phone
  • attributes.address - The LDAP attribute to use for the user address

If you use LDAP users, you can not configure the users section in the yaml configuration file.

In the templates section, you can configure the following html/templates:

  • base - The base template
  • login - The login page template
  • mfa_create - The MFA create page template
  • mfa_verify - The MFA verify page template

you can add your static files (like css, js, images, ...) in the static folder and use them in your templates (e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style.css">

Seed data is provided in the clients and users sections. In the clients section, you can create the OIDC clients to use in the auth challenge. Each client has the following properties:

  • id - The client ID
  • secret_hash - The client secret hash (use the make hash command to generate a hash)
  • redirect_uris - The list of allowed redirect URIs

In the users section, you can create the users to login. Each user has the following properties:

  • subject - The user subject
  • email - The user email
  • email_verified - Whether the user email is verified
  • preferred_username - The user preferred username (the username used for login)
  • password_hash - The user password hash (use the make hash command to generate a hash)
  • phone - The user phone number
  • address - The user address
  • groups - The list of user groups

The yaml configuration file can also reference environment variables. You can use the following syntax to use environment variables in your yaml configuration file:

value1: ${ENV_VAR}
value2: $OTHER_ENV_VAR

Use in your projects

You can use the minioidc package in your projects to add OIDC authentication to your web applications:

package main

import (


func main() {
	builder := &api.Builder{
		Audience: "https://api.example.com",
		Issuer:   "https://minioidc.example.com",
		Clients: []api.Client{
				ID:           "myclient",
				SecretHash:   "$2a$06$L6/zALdtbkYajjHTZUW29ePBEb/hwhgjhXC4YpHANavvKDJl69ctK", // secret
				RedirectURIs: []string{"https://api.example.com/callback"},
		Users: []api.User{
				Subject:           "0000001",
				PreferredUsername: "user",
				PasswordHash:      "$2a$06$03dduqc0lMbsb5go/l6RI.cRb03Hos9CMpgm5/yYuRsSQPHtrFwSq", // password

	minioidc, err := builder.Build(config)
	if err != nil {

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	handler := minioidc.Wrap(mux)

	log.Printf("Listening http://localhost:8000")
	err = http.ListenAndServe(":8000", handler)
	if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {

The builder has the following fields:

  • Name string - Set the OIDC name (default: minioidc)
  • MasterKey string - Set the OIDC master key use to encrypt and decrypt internal data (if not set, a new random key will be generated)
  • Audience string - Set the OIDC audience (it is MANADATORY)
  • Issuer string - Set the OIDC issuer (it is MANADATORY)
  • RequireMFA bool - Set whether to require MFA for all users (default: false)
  • ReuseRefreshTokens bool - Set whether to allow re-use refresh tokens (default: false)
  • UseHSTS bool - Set whether to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) (default: false)
  • UseCSP bool - Set whether to enable Content Security Policy (CSP) (default: false)
  • UseSecureCookie bool - Set whether to enable secure cookies (default: false)
  • UseForwardedHeaders bool - Set whether to forward headers (default: false)
  • LogRequests bool - Set whether to log requests (default: false)
  • Clients []Client - Set the OIDC clients
  • Users []User - Set the OIDC users
  • PrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey - Set the OIDC private key
  • PrivateKeyFile string - Set the OIDC private key from a file
  • AccessTTL time.Duration - Set the access token TTL
  • RefreshTTL time.Duration - Set the refresh token TTL
  • SessionTTL time.Duration - Set the session TTL
  • CodeTTL time.Duration - Set the authorization code TTL
  • CSRFTTL time.Duration - Set the CSRF token TTL
  • ClientStore ClientStore - Set the client store
  • UserStore UserStore - Set the user store
  • GrantStore GrantStore - Set the grant store
  • SessionStore SessionStore - Set the session store
  • MFAStore MFAStore - Set the MFA store
  • BaseTemplate string - Set the base template
  • LoginTemplate string - Set the login template
  • MFACreateTemplate string - Set the MFA create template
  • MFAVerifyTemplate string - Set the MFA verify template

And the builder has the following methods:

  • UseSQLite(string, SqliteDatabases) - Set the SQLite database file path and databases to use (flags: NoSqliteDatabases, Grants, Sessions or MFA)
  • UseLDAP(string, LDAPConfig) - Set the LDAP server address and LDAP config to use

The LDAPConfig struct has the following fields:

  • Bind string - The LDAP bind DN
  • Password string - The LDAP bind password
  • BaseDN string - The LDAP base DN
  • FilterDN string - The LDAP filter DN
  • SubjectAttribute string - The LDAP attribute to use for the user subject
  • NameAttribute string - The LDAP attribute to use for the user name
  • EmailAttribute string - The LDAP attribute to use for the user email
  • PhoneAttribute string - The LDAP attribute to use for the user phone
  • AddressAttribute string - The LDAP attribute to use for the user address



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details