
A demostration of a login screen with the MVVM architecture

Primary LanguageKotlin


The app follows the MVVM architecture with the repository pattern, alongside Koin for DI.


Clone the project and add your own google-services.json to the app folder.


Folder structure

There are 4 main folders: app, data, ui, utils.

  • app: Contains Application and dependencies stuff.
  • data: Contains the repository and data classes related to the user data and view states.
  • ui: Contains the LoginActivity and the AuthViewModel.
  • utils: Contains extensions functions.

Libraries and other stuff applied

  • Koin for dependency injection
  • ViewBinding
  • Material Components
  • ViewModel and LiveData
  • Coroutines
  • MVVM architecture + Repository pattern
  • Unit test with mockk

Check the app!

You could download the .apk file from the release tab.

Use this credentials if you want to test the functionality:

Email: logindemo@yopmail.com
Password: demo12345