
Bioinformatics algorithms in Python and LaTeX. UNC Comp 555.

Primary LanguagePython


###UNC Chapel Hill Comp 555

This repository contains my answers to the problem sets assigned for Prof. Jan Prins' Bioalgorithms class, taught in the Fall of 2012. The problem sets are mostly typeset in LaTeX, with some Python code as well.


  • Homework 1
    • pytest3: my first crappy python program. Well, it's a script, really
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
    • euler.py: Finding a Euler path (aka tour) in a directed graph with help from networkx.
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5

Usage & License

You may reuse this code if you like; just provide attribution to me and a link to my GitHub account.