The tastiest introduction to coding on the web.
This repo is for code and course material to teach coding using a Raspberry Pi. It is inteneded as a free, collaborative educational resource for instructors, students, and hackademics. Help us make it the best intro to coding on the web!
def code-pi(our_ideas, your_contributions)
# A global community...
global collaboration
global knowledge
# ...working together...
collaboration = our_ideas + your_contributions
knowledge = collaboration
# teach the world to code!
return knowledge
This repo is under construction but will be ready for teaching in the Summer and Fall of 2013. During this period of intensive development it's best to fork if you'd like static materials (i.e. a static link for your students to git clone
). Stay tuned or see the section on contributing below!
There are several great resources out there for teaching coding on the Pi. While this repo is under construction, check these out:
- Pi Education Manual (PDF here) - An excellent and broad intro into what you can do with the Pi. code-pi contains a transcription of much of the code from the Python section.
- Invent with Python - A free book focused on learning through game creation. Many/most of the Python games that come with the Pi were written by the book's author, Al Sweigart.
- Think Python - A Python textbook available as a free e-book or in hard copy from Amazon. See also our fork of the author's code repo going along with the book. We'll be editing and improving the usability of the repo.
This is only a partial list. Think you've got more good links? Contribute them!
A list of current priorities is in the Issues tab. Contributions are welcome via pull requests; please reference an issue with your PR. Guidence regarding organization is forthcoming. If the resources/links list gets huge, it might get its own markdown README in a resources
Original material copyright Elliott Hauser and contributors, provided under the GPLv3. Other material copyrighted and licenced as noted.
Why GPL? Much of the book-based code we're gathering is GPL or some flavor of CC non-commerical. That said, we'll make sure that this material is usable in as many classrooms as possible since that's the goal. You're free and welcome to alter, customize, and use this content in your classroom, as are your students. You just can't package it up and try to sell it to someone as a product or omit the license when you reshare/remix.
Raspberry Pi word mark and logo are trademarks of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Restrictions on their useage can be found here.