
Files for INLS 161 task 1 on version control

Task #1: Version control setup

This assignment is pretty simple. It has 4 parts, most of which you will likely have done in class. Steps:

  1. Create GitHub username (http://github.com).
  2. Use GitHub username to log into CodeAnywhere (http://codeanywhere.com).
  3. Create a copy of this repository into your GitHub account.
  4. Respond to the beginning of class questionnaire https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_03dQuGyMQVqXZEF.

GitHub username

If you were in class the other day, you set up a GitHub username. Your first assignment is basically that.


Now that you have it, you'll need to log into Cloud9 and set up an Ruby workspace. If you're interested, check out all of the Cloud9 templates here: https://c9.io/community/templates

We will go over this in class again as well.

Create your own version of this repository

If you have arrived at this page, then you should see the GitHub interface in front of you. This is a repo (short for repository). Github created a copy of it for you from this version, which is slightly edited from the original

This is mostly just practice, but I will see it as soon as you have done it, so it lets me know that you have engaged with this task.

Github Classroom makes a new copy of the repo for you, but you can also create a 'fork' of a repository that allows submitting changes back to the original. We'll cover this in class.


Then answer the beginning of class questionnaire.

All you need to do is click the link below and answer all the questions. When you get to the end, your responses will automatically be recorded.


And that's it!