
Apache HTTPd (via mod_perl) implementation of HTTP Signature Auth

Primary LanguagePerlISC LicenseISC


Apache::AuthSignature provides an authentication module for Apache that supports HTTP Signature Authentication.


  • install mod_perl
  • install Net::SSH::Perl
  • probably some other stuff


Apache::AuthSignature attempts to be a well behaved Apache HTTPd module, and therefore tries to support configuration via directives in the web server configuration file. The main exception to this is users of the module must provide (ie, write) a perl module that maps the keyIds in Signature Authorization headers to a username and SSH public key.

The following demonstrates the basic usage of the module:

PerlLoadModule Apache::AuthSignature
PerlLoadModule Custom::KeyHandler

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthSignature
AuthSignatureKeyHandler Custom::KeyHandler
AuthType Signature
AuthName "HTTP Signature Auth protected area"
Require valid-user


Specifies the name of the package that handles mapping key types and key identifiers to a username and an SSH public key. See "Key Handler" below for detail.



Specifies an alternate name for the Authorization header. By default the module uses Authorization.


Specifies an alternate name for the WWW-Authenticate header the server sends to an unauthenticated client. By defualt it uses WWW-Authenticate.


AuthSignatureWAauthHeader X-WWW-Authenticate


Specifies an opaque value for use in WWW-Authenticate headers, and to expect from the client in Authorization headers. By default there is no opaque value used.


Specifies a handler package that will provide a custom opaque value for the request.


Specifies a list of headers and pseudo-headers that must be signed by the client to successfully authenticate. The list is also provided to unauthenticated clients in the WWW-Authenticate header. By default only the Date header is required to be signed by clients.


AuthSignatureHeaders date host (request-target) (keyid)

Key Handler

Apache::AuthSignature calls a handler subroutine in the package specified by the AuthSignatureKeyHandler configuration parameter to fetch a username for the current request, and the public SSH key to perform signature verification with. The key handler is called with the current requests Apache2::RequestRec, the type of key that's being requested, and the keyId parameter from the Authorization header.

An example key handler package is:

package Custom::KeyHandler;

use Apache2::RequestRec;
use Apache2::Const qw(:common);

my $keys = {
	'ecdsa' => {
		'/user1/keys/[fingerprint]' => {
			'u' => 'username',
			'k' => 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ...',
	'rsa' => {
		'/user1/keys/[fingerprint]' => {
			'u' => 'username',
			'k' => 'ssh-rsa ...',
		'/user2/keys/[fingerprint]' => {
			'u' => 'usernom',
			'k' => 'ssh-rsa ...',
	'ed25519' => {
		'/user2/keys/[fingerprint]' => {
			'u' => 'usernom',
			'k' => 'ssh-ed25519 ...',

sub handler {
	my ($r, $keyType, $keyId) = @_;

	return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND unless
	    defined $keys->{$keyType} and
	    defined $keys->{$keyType}->{$keyId};

	my $stuff = $keys->{$keyType}->{$keyId};
	return (Apache2::Const::OK, $stuff->{'u'}, $stuff->{'k'});


Integration with other authentication schemes.

Apache HTTPd only supports having a single authentication provider configured at a time, which means it is difficult to support both Signature and another type such as Basic or Digest concurrently. Custom authentication types that combine the AuthSignature functionality with other authentication types can be written in Perl. To support that, the module provides a AuthSignatureHandler subroutine that can be called from another module. The other module must provide configuration for AuthSignature from code, it doesn't support use of the configuration directives.

put some perl here