pflogflowd(8) - OpenBSD packet filter log flow collector

pflogflowd aggregates the network packets logged with pf(4) via a pflog(4) pseudo interface and records the resulting flows in a Clickhouse database.

Flows are collected within timeslices, each of which is 4 seconds long by default. Flow records contain the following protocol fields:

  • IP version (IPv4 or IPv6)
  • IP protocol (TCP, UDP, etc)
  • Source and destination IP addresses
  • Source and desitnation ports for TCP/UDP/UDPlite protocols
  • ICMP type and code fields, and id for echo (ping) packets
  • GRE flags and protocol fields, and Key for GRE v0 headers
  • The number of packets and bytes counted in the timeslice

The collector augments the flow with the following metadata from the network stack and packet filter:

  • Beginning and ending timestamps for the timeslice
  • The virtual network identifier from the underlying interface
  • The direction the packet was travelling over the interface
  • The action from the rule that caused the packet to be logged


  • Improve the robustness of the POSTs into clickhouse