- 4
- 2
Intermediate results to assess complexity among different feature combinations
#138 opened by aminatuUS - 1
[BUG] nan value for meta-features
#137 opened by arilwan - 1
split large data for computation on available memory
#135 opened by arilwan - 0
It is not possible make equal discretization
#136 opened by arilwan - 5
MemoryError when use a large dataset [BUG]
#112 opened by fernandozagatti - 1
TypeError("OneHotEncoder.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sparse'")
#134 opened by arilwan - 4
- 1
New discretization technique
#82 opened by FelSiq - 5
Enable parallel computation
#108 opened by FelSiq - 2
Merge with ts-pymfe
#109 opened by FelSiq - 3
calculate only f1 complexity measure
#132 opened by wal-iston - 2
- 2
[BUG] nan value when complexity measure is calculated
#131 opened by Yeoonsu - 1
[BUG] Online documentation example seems incorrect
#119 opened by FelSiq - 0
- 0
Performance of Info-theoretic extraction
#122 opened by maffei2443 - 0
- 2
Online example for the method to extract meta-feature names before any extraction
#111 opened by ealcobaca - 0
New version 0.4.1
#117 opened by ealcobaca - 5
Output structure
#95 opened by MichaelMMeskhi - 2
[BUG] Many Feature-extraction improvement
#115 opened by MiguelGuima - 3
Target variable
#110 opened by MichaelMMeskhi - 0
- 3
[BUG] eigenvalue.mean outputing complex numbers
#101 opened by jadermcs - 2
New pymfe version - - 0.4
#99 opened by ealcobaca - 1
numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge
#92 opened by FilipeGood - 5
Exception on data with missing values
#78 opened by Ennosigaeon - 0
Organize directory structure
#47 opened by davips - 0
- 0
- 2
New summary functions
#83 opened by FelSiq - 2
Complexity measure meta-features
#36 opened by ealcobaca - 1
General + Statistical Metafeatures
#93 opened by CreaperLost - 6
Support for unsupervised tasks
#64 opened by jadermcs - 8
[BUG] Running out of memory
#76 opened by wadieskaf - 0
New canonical correlation-based metafeatures
#68 opened by FelSiq - 2
Unsupervised task asks for target value
#55 opened by jadermcs - 3
Progress feedback
#41 opened by florianhumblot - 3
Get all Metafeatures for unsupervised tasks
#40 opened by tschechlovdev - 1
- 3
Hello, for the output meta-features' names, could you please provide the detail meaning of each feature?
#32 opened by Veronica226 - 8
- 1
Add meta-features from OpenML and metalearn
#26 opened by MichaelMMeskhi - 0
Check strange behavior
#10 opened by lpfgarcia - 2
- 4
#9 opened by lpfgarcia