
Bash - Tame your Terminal and play with basic shell scripts

Command line - shell-scripts - lab

Introduction to bash and tame your Terminal and play with basic shell scripts

Terror of Terminal (it's ok we're here to help)

0 - Start by essential shortcut!

Command Description
CTRL+a Go to the beginning of the line
CTRL+e Go to the end of the line
Alt+b / Alt+ Move one word backward
Alt+f / Alt+ Move one word forward
CTRL+w / +Delete Delete one word backward
CTRL+k Delete until end of the line
CTRL+u Delete until beginning of the line

Disclaimer: some of commands can be different depend on the OS or Bash

Configure your Terminal

  • Switch to infinite history!
# In your bashrc
# Enable infinite history
export HISTSIZE=
  • Recall your commands!
Command Description
CTRL+p Recall the previous command in the history
CTRL+n Recall the next command in the history
CTRL+r Do a search in your history
  • Enable advanced completion
# On Mac OS X
brew install bash-completion

# On Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) 
apt-get install bash-completion`

1 - Globbing

This wildcard symbol * will be replaced by all matching elements

# List all png files:
ls *.png

# List all files that contains report
ls *report*

# List both png and gif files
ls *.{png,gif}

# List all zip part files
ls archive-part[a-z].zip

2 - Pipes

Pipes let you use the output of a command as the input of another one.

  • You can pipe as many command as you want
# count number files/folders
ls -1 | wc -l     

# list only 'static' files/folders
ls -l | grep 'static'

Exercice: Count how many pdf file and put it into a file

3 - Command exit code/status

This value is referred to as an exit code or exit status. On POSIX systems the standard convention is for the program to pass 0 for successful executions and 1 or higher for failed executions

# Print success exit code 0.
README.md static
echo $?

# Print failed exit code 127
command not found: command-not-found
echo $?

4 - Chaining operators

You can chain command one after the other here's different type of operators

  • ; Execute command sequentially
# list current file and then read space disk
ls -l ; df -h
  • && Execute command sequentially if the previous one is a success
# For ubuntu update packages and if the first command succeed then upgrade packages
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
  • || Execute next command if the previous one is a failure
# Ping octo website and if not succeed create test folder
ping octo.com || mkdir test
  • ! Execute all except the condition provided
# Delete all files in current directory expect html files
rm -r !(*.html)

5 - Process Management

  • Classic
# Launch a command in the background
command &

# Put foreground the last command in background

# Put in the background the currently paused process
  • Alternative
# use "screen"

Press CTRL+a+d to put in background

# Create as many screen as you want and list them
screen -ls

# Reattach to a screen
screen -r PID
  • useful command
Command Description
CTRL+c Try to stop the current process
CTRL+z Pause the current process

6 - Quoting

  • Double quotes protect from word splitting and pathname expansions
# Display the content of a file named "a b*"
cat "a b*"
  • Single quotes protect from everything
# Display the content of a file named "${toto}" (no variable substitution)
cat '${toto}'

7 - Redirections

There are 3 descriptors, stdin for input, stdout for output and stderr error output (std=standard).

Basically you can:

  • redirect stdout to a file
  • redirect stderr to a file
  • redirect stdout to a stderr
  • redirect stderr to a stdout
  • redirect stderr and stdout to a file
  • redirect stderr and stdout to stdout
  • redirect stderr and stdout to stderr

For command line 1 represents stdout and 2 stderr.

# list current files and put it into a file
ls -l > ls-l.txt

# redirect stderr in errors.log
my-command 2> errors.log

# look for all content with 'da' and redirect the result to stderr 
grep da * 1>&2

# delete files finishing by core and redirect all output to nowhere, means wipe the output
rm -f *core &> /dev/null

Some useful command

  • find: recursively search for files
  • grep: search for text in standard input or files
  • awk/sed/tr: text/lines/character manipulation
  • xargs: use output as arguments of another command
  • sort: sort lines numerically or alphabetically on the given field
  • uniq: exclude contiguous duplicate lines
  • wc: count words, lines, bytes…
  • head/tail: display beginning/end of files or standard input
  • date: display the current or given date with the given format

Bash scripts

Build your script to help you automate

Basic syntax rules

# Variable assignement

# Variable reference
echo "${toto}"

# Or boolean logic
command1 || command2

# And boolean logic
command1 && command2

# command1 then command2
command1; command2

# Capture command output

Basic control structures

  • if else statement
if command; then
elif other_command; then
  • switch case
case ${option} in 
 -h) display_help;;
 -*) error "bad_option";;
 *) error "unknown argument";;
  • loop using for
for var in 1 2 3 4 5; do
    echo ${var}
  • loop using while
while command; do 
    do_it || break

Essential built-in commands

# Display string
echo "Hello World"

# Make variable TOTO available to sub-processes
export TOTO=titi
echo $TOTO
# display titi

# Execute shell instruction in file toto.sh
source toto.sh

# Interpret the given arguments as new shell command to execute
eval $TOTO=\$TITI

# Read standard input next line and put it in variable TOTO
read -r TOTO

# Test VAR1 is defined and greater than 13
[ -n "$VAR1" ] && [ "$VAR1" -gt 13 ]

Special variables

  • $1, $2, $3 ...: arguments passed to function or scripts
  • $#: number of arguments passed to function or scripts
  • $@: all arguments
  • $$: current PID (process id) of the running shell
  • $?: exit code of the last command
  • $!: PID of last background process
  • $RANDOM: random number between 0 and 32767

Shell traps

  • The lost variable
# Always print SUM=0
cat file | while read -r SUM; do
    SUM=$((SUM + 1))
echo -- "SUM=${SUM}"
  • The input vaccum cleaner
# Stop after first hostname!
while read HOSTNAME; do
  ssh "${HOSTNAME}" "command"
done < list_of_hosts.txt
  • The dangerous replace
# Doesn’t work if VAR
# contains slashes  
sed -e "s/VAR/${VAR}/g” \ file
  • Argument with space inside
# Doesn’t work if arg has space
for arg in $@; do
  cat "${arg}"

How the shell process your lines

  • Initial state
Variables:    toto="a b"     titi="file"
Local files:  filea, bfile, cfile, dfile1, dfile2
  • What happens when we execute this line?
cat "*"${toto}* 'c ${titi}' d$(echo '*')

Learn useful tools

  • Use tldr to quickly grasp how to use them
brew install tldr
tldr sed
  • Use man to understand them in depth
man sed


Let's start some hands-on

1. Bash - Find the biggies!

Create a shell one-liner that lists the top 10 of the files bigger than 1G under the /usr folder with at least the full path name and the file size.

Bonus: if file size is displayed in human readable format (2.4G, 54k, 12M...)


  • use find and look for options
  • use -exec find option to display details
  • for mac user use gsort instead of sort
    • install command: brew install coreutils

2. Bash - Make some room

Create a shell one-liner that display files older than 1 month in the current folder and compresses them silently with tar.

Bonus: if compression is done in parallel and if bigger files are compressed first.


  • use -mtime option
  • use xargs to get the output

3. Script - Find a movie to watch with your partner

Write a shell script that display the list of comedy movies that were released between 4 and 3 months ago and that have more than 8 of average score.


  • Documentation URL: https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api/discover
  • API Key: eecc946ec5ea05d0f35c9f842e8142a2
  • Example API Call: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?primary_release_date.gte=2014-09-15&primary_release_date.lte=2014-10-22&api_key=eecc946ec5ea05d0f35c9f842e8142a2

Special thanks to Yann Rouillard

For inspiration for this tutorial (Ok it's more than inspiration...)