
My vimrc and related files that help to customize my vim

Primary LanguageShell

This repository hosts my vimrc and other dot files. Feel free to fork it or make suggestions.

I'll keep updating it as I see new cool things to add.

###Color scheme: If you do not wish to use it, feel free to comment out the line: colorscheme solarized

###Important Keyboard remappings

  • The map leader is ,
  • Both kj and jk are remapped to <Esc> This allows you to mash those 2 keys
  • ; is remapped to : (and :: is remapped to ;)
  • You can save and compile in one step by pressing ,w
  • Insert a new line below the current line in normal mode by pressing enter
  • Various shortcuts (using the mapleader) for copying to and from the X clipboard
  • Remapping s to ctrl-W to making navigating splits a lot easier
  • Other remappings that you can find in the vimrc

###Other useful things

  • Tabs are remapped to 4 spaces
  • Search is incremental

A lot of the setup/organization comes from https://github.com/ViViDboarder/vim-settings