A curated list of awesome Open Source Software made in Israel, and by Israelis.
List inspired by the awesome list thing.
- Petri - Wix experiment system (A/B test and feature toggle framework)
- mailgen - A Node.js package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional mail
- blessed-contrib - Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript
- firebase-server - Firebase Realtime Database server implementation
- angular2-moment - moment.js pipes for Angular
- muse-js - Muse 2016 EEG Headset JavaScript Library (using Web Bluetooth)
- web-bluetooth-polyfill - Windows 10 Web Bluetooth Polyfill
- busmq - A high performance, production grade message bus for Node.js
- samling - Serverless SAML IDP for testing SAML integrations
- socketgd - Guaranteed delivery for socket.io
- node-proxying-agent - Node.js HTTP/HTTPS Forward Proxy Agent
- capp-cache - Cross Browser Offline Resource Persistency
- logrotator - Easy log rotation in pure Node.js
- yap-csv - Node.js package that manages CSV to JSON conversion supporting complex field mapping
- dockly - Docker console UI and Dashboard for quick managing and inspecting of Containers and Images
- express-version-route - A Node.js express middleware that implements API versioning for route controllers
- express-security-txt - A Node.js middleware for Express that implements Security.txt - A Method for Web Security Policies
- cron-to-quartz - Node.js library to convert unix or linux CRON syntax to Quartz Scheduler
- licenseye - Node.js CLI tool to visualize an aggregate list of your dependencies' licenses
- TypeWiz - Automatically discover and add missing types in your TypeScript code
- Tweek - Feature management solution for customizing applications and system behavior without deploying new code
- Intergram - Free live chat widget linked to your Telegram messenger.
- infinite-autocomplete - Pluggable infinite-autocomplete component that can accept any implementations of yours
- Snyk - CLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies
- react-native-navigation - A complete native navigation solution for React Native
- webpack-node-externals - A Webpack plugin to list all node modules as bundle externals
- cboard - AAC communication board with text-to-speech for the browser
- Fugazi - A web based terminal application for executing local and remote commands
- sequelize-admin - A simple express based admin middleware for sequelizejs
- express-boilerplate - A simple Node.js app (Express + Sequelize) with the purpose of providing a compact, clear and concise example to how Node.js apps can be built
- mocha-sidebar - Mocha side bar is a visual studio code extension that allows you to run Mocha tests from side bar menu and view results can run each level hierarchy from all tests to a single test(and each describer of course)
- mean.io - Mean.io is a popular mean stack boilerplate providing a starting point for angular(6) , express, mongo and node fullstack javascript powered apps.
- SugoiJS Server - SugoiJS provides TypeScript decorators which makes the development process faster, easier with less boilerplate code. This is the Server module(express based).
- OSv - an operating system for running a single Java or POSIX process (in a virtual machine).
- react-elastic-carousel - A flexible and responsive carousel component for react.
- Culmus - a collection of free-as-in-speech Hebrew fonts, by Maxim Iorsh.
- Hspell - a spell checking program for Hebrew language documents.
- KVM - The Linux “Kernel Virtual Machine”, an x86 virtualization solution for the Linux kernel.
- Freecell Solver - a C library and some standalone command line programs to solve games of Freecell and similar variants of card Solitaire.
- Krusader - an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE.
- HTML-Widgets-NavMenu - a Perl distribution for generating HTML navigation menus.
- CppCMS - a C++ Web Development Framework (not a CMS).
- Webilder - a Flickr wallpaper downloader.
- PySol FC - an open-source and feature-rich collection of Solitaire games. (Adopted from previous maintainers.)
- vue-dynamic-dropdown - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant dropdown component for Vue framework
- vue-dynamic-star-rating - A dynamic stars rating component for vue, similar to Google Play’s rating
- vue-toggle-btn - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant toggle/switch button component
- Blink-Java - Simple http server designed for use in tests, written in pure Java (no dependencies).
- Ticktok.io - Efficient, managed and clustered scheduler that allows apps to receive accurate and reliable clock signals at scale.
- Solver and Generator for “ABC Path”
- Black Hole Solitaire Solver - an automated solver for the “Black Hole” and “All in a Row” variants of card solitaire.
- GNU FriBidi - a library which implements the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm.
- JsonChangeVals - Translating your JSON structure without paying for it.
- Kamus - An open source, git-ops, zero-trust secret encryption and decryption solution for Kubernetes applications.
- Apollo - A simple, lightweight, Continuous Deployment (CD) solution on top of Kubernetes.
- Sawmill - A JSON transformation open source library for enriching, transforming, and filtering JSON documents.
- Cloudify - Open source tool for orchestrating the lifecycle of infrastructure, network, and application resources on-prem and in the cloud.
- OWASP ServerlessGoat - A deliberately insecure realistic AWS Lambda serverless application
- OWASP Glue Tool Project - A tools based project intended to make security automation easier.
- Foreman - A complete lifecycle management tool for physical, virtual and cloud servers.
- Redash - Data visualization tool for building dashboards that connect to multiple data sources.
- dynamodb - A wrapper for easy access to DynamoDB
- Scylla - A rewrite of Cassandra DB in C++ that aims to be faster.
- express-ajv-swagger-validation - Express middleware for input validation using Swagger (Open API) and ajv
- typeform-export-excel - Export a Typeform survey questionnaire to an Excel format
- @lirantal/typeform-client - a friendlier Typeform Node.js API client
- Predator - An open-source distributed performance testing framework
- PySnooper - a Python debugging aid. "Never use print for debugging again."
- HspellPy - A Python wrapper for Hspell.
- Utopia PHP - Lite & fast micro PHP framework that is easy to learn.
- Litespeed.js - Lite & fast micro javascript framework that is easy to learn.
- Appwrite - End to end backend server for frontend and mobile apps 👩💻👨💻.
- Nielsen
- Capriza
- Soluto
- Snyk
- ironSource
- MyHeritage
- Peer5
- Linnovate
- Logz.io
- Cloudify
- Nexmo
- Walla! CODE
- Hamakor The Israeli Free and Open Source Software Non-Profit Organization
- JavaScript Israel Israeli JavaScript group that holds monthly free meetups and open source coding sessions. Non Profit.
- The Public Knowledge Workshop Apply technology to enhance democracy and to empower citizens in Israel. Open for volunteers, see here for details.
- Node.js-IL The Israeli Node.js community - holds monthly meetups and shares common knowledge via WhatsApp / Facebook / etc ...
- OWASP Israel Chapter The Israeli Chapter of OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Project) which provides a range of application resources which are free and open-source.
- Ruby Underground Israel The Israeli Ruby commmunity with a monthly meetup
- Amos Haviv
- Benjamin Gruenbaum
- Ido Cohen
- Islam Attrash
- Liran Tal
- Nadav Fischer
- Liad Yosef
- Lior Kesos
- Shay Cojocaru
- Ori Hoch
- Nitzan Tomer
- Gilad Novik
- Maty Zisserman
- Orel Balilti
- Shlomi Fish
- Yaacov Zamir
- Gabor Szabo
- Artyom Beilis
- Nadav Samet
- Eli Segal
- Eran Geva
- Josh Grossman
- Jeremy Hess
- Tomer Brisker
- Gaal Yahas
- Yuval Kogman
- Sawyer X
- Shachar Shemesh
- Omer Zak
- Nadav Har'El
- Ram Rachum
- Eldad Fux
- August Penguin - The annual convention of the Israeli Free and Open Source Software community
- Goodness Squad - a monthly Open Source coding event that is beginner friendly.
- Open Source Hack Nights - Held every month on the second Sunday of the month in Tel Aviv.
Found an awesome project, package, article, blog, video etc.? Send me a pull request! Just follow the guidelines. Thank you!
say hi on Twitter.**