
Pretty dir() printing with joy:beer:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ On master branch, pdir2's codebase is Python 3.5+, with annotations and mypy check. The Python 2 compatible version exists in the 0.3.x branch and will still be receiving bug fixes. All new features will be developed on master therefore is Python 3.5+ exclusive.

In short, if you're still using pdir2 for Python <3.5, install via pip install "pdir2>=0.3,<0.4".

pdir2: Pretty dir() printing with joy

Build Status Supported Python versions PyPI Version Code style: black

Have you ever dreamed of a better output of dir()? I do. So I created this.


  • Attributes are grouped by types/functionalities, with beautiful colors.

  • Support color customization, here's how.

  • Support all platforms including Windows(Thanks to colorama).

  • Support ipython, ptpython, bpython and Jupyter Notebook! See wiki for details.

  • The return value of pdir() can still be used as a list of names.

  • ✨ Attribute searching

    You can search for certain names with .s() or .search():

    Search is case-insensitive by default.
    search(name, case_sensitive=True) does case sensitive searching.

  • 🌟 Attribute filtering

    properties: Find properties/variables defined in the inspected object.

    methods: Find methods/functions defined in the inspected object.

    public: Find public attributes.

    own: Find attributes that are not inherited from parent classes.

    These filters can be chained! Order does NOT matter.

    For example, use pdir(obj).public.own.methods to find all public own methods.

    You can also call search on the returned results.

    See a complete example.



pip install pdir2

About the name. I wanted to call it "pdir", but there's already one with this name on pypi. Mine is better, of course.


dnf install python3-pdir2
dnf install python2-pdir2

Automatic Import

As a better alternative of dir(), it's more convenient to automatically import pdir2 when launching REPL. Luckily, Python provides a way to do this. In you .bashrc(or .zshrc), add this line:

export PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/.pythonstartup

Then, create .pythonstartup in your home folder. Add one line:

import pdir

Next time you launch REPL, pdir() is already there, Hooray!


Simply run pytest, or use tox if you like.


Clone the source, run make install_dev_packages.
Don't forget to add proper type annotations, if you're not sure what to do, check out the gen_type_info section in tox.ini.