- 2
- 2
Filter error
#204 opened by JEthebest - 0
- 0
DjangoListObjectType BigInt Error
#203 opened by kimsuel - 0
Logs received not informative
#202 opened by tushar-quartic - 1
Filtering on enum fields returns all results
#201 opened by katylava - 0
- 0
- 5
still maintained?
#188 opened by katylava - 1
unable to exclude model fields from DjangoSerializerMutation that are not in serializer
#160 opened by keinagae - 0
python error: can only concatenate list (not "tuple") to list in
#192 opened by dannielXdx - 0
Updates removing other fields if not supplied: Might not be specific to graphene-django-extras
#193 opened by paulsermon-gemfair - 3
- 0
Getting duplicate results on a filter across multiple fields. Cannot add distinct.
#187 opened by paulsermon-gemfair - 7
Pagination Total Count
#183 opened by paulsermon-gemfair - 0
No type registered for model: <model>
#186 opened by lautarodapin - 1
When using a model with a UUID Field as ID the update method does not provide a UUID Field
#184 opened by paulsermon-gemfair - 3
"id" field not included as an Input field within Update Operation of DjangoSerializerMutation
#142 opened by IdemenB - 1
- 2
pagination info
#169 opened by PriyatamNayak - 0
Regarding UnionTypes
#180 opened by BitTheByte - 2
Nested fields doens't work
#163 opened by miliakhaled - 3
Tried installing graphene-django-extras, but get errors about incompatibility
#177 opened by Instrumedley - 1
How To Subclass DjangoSerializerMutation for a Global @login_required enforcement of JWT
#161 opened by IdemenB - 0
- 2
Travis rewrite to GitHub Actions
#172 opened by ldynia - 1
Updating to GitHub Actions' environment variables
#170 opened by ldynia - 0
Dynamic Schema generation
#171 opened by PriyatamNayak - 0
How to filter QuerySet in DjangoSerializerType ?
#166 opened by kentuck13 - 1
Meta 'fields' not working
#165 opened by JElgar - 5
Type error in date directive
#130 opened by digitalw - 0
Reverse foreign_key Input problem
#164 opened by miliakhaled - 0
perform_mutate method in DjangoSerializerMutation and Getting the newly created object while still in Mutation
#162 opened by IdemenB - 9
How to stop DjangoFilterPaginateListField from returning all instances of a model class
#144 opened by Cimmanuel - 6
Using "__in" filter lookup expression
#128 opened by sbernier1 - 0
DurationField is incorrectly converted as float
#152 opened by karlosss - 0
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 2
- 3
Potential unnecessary eager load detected when filtering by foreign key field.
#139 opened by gghildyal - 1
- 3
Reverse query is not supported
#122 opened by grusirna - 0
DjangoFilterPaginateListField bypassing login_required decorator and constraints
#138 opened by Cimmanuel - 8
DjangoListField error in 0.4.7
#124 opened by leot78 - 2
- 2
Potential dependency conflicts between graphene-django-extras and graphql-core
#131 opened by NeolithEra - 1
Filter ArrayField
#133 opened by prabin525 - 0
Cache doesn't respect authentication
#127 opened by Abbondanzo