
A textbook on informal homotopy type theory

Primary LanguageTeX

This is a textbook on informal homotopy type theory. It is part of the Univalent foundations of mathematics project that took place at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2012/13.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Compiled and printed versions of the book are available at the homotopy type theory website, and nightly builds are available on the github wiki.

Prerequisites and compilation

To compile the book for yourself you need a fairly new version of LaTeX. Texlive 2012 is confirmed to work. You might need to install some packages; see main.tex for packages that are used by the book.

BasicTeX, which is a minimalistic version of MacTeX, is confirmed to work once the following packages have been installed: tlmgr, install, braket, comment, courier, enumitem, helvetic, mathpazo, nextpage, ntheorem, palatino, rsfs, stmaryrd, symbol, titlesec, wallpaper, wasy, wasysym, xstring, zapfding.

You also need the make utility. The book is a fairly complex piece of LaTeX code. Also, the file version.tex is generated on the fly, so you will need the make utility with which you can compile the main files, as follows:

  • make hott-online.pdf -- the book appropriate for online reading, with colors and green links
  • make hott-ebook.pdf -- the book with small margins, suitable for ebook readers
  • make hott-letter.pdf hott-cover.pdf -- the book in black & white, letter paper format, for printing at home, as well as a color cover (just two pages)
  • make hott-a4.pdf hott-a4.pdf -- the book in black & white, A4 paper format, for printing at home, as well as a color cover (just two pages)
  • make hott-ustrade.pdf cover-lulu-hardcover.pdf cover-lulu-paperback.pdf -- the book in US Trade format, without cover, used for the bound copy available at http://lulu.com/
  • make exercise_solutions.pdf -- compile (some) solutions to exercises
  • make errata.pdf -- Errata for the HoTT Book, first edition

If you do not have make (for example, because you are on MacOS and you did not install the XCode command-line utilities), you can still fake it as follows. Create the file version.tex and put in it (where "Joe Hacker" should be replaced with your name):


Then use whatever tools you normally do to compile LaTeX. The main LaTeX files are called hott-XXX.tex. But you really should have make, you know.

Once make is run so that version.tex gets generated, you need not run make again. You can just perform the usual LaTeX cycle from your favorite editor.