🎼 Music Transcription Service 🎙️

Dive into the world of music transcription! Our tool is designed to transcribe music and compare singing performances with lyrics, all powered by gRPC.

🌟 Features

  • Versatility: Choose from multiple transcription engines - OpenAI's Whisper, Google Speech, and Web2Vec2.
  • Precision: Tailored specifically for music, ensuring accurate transcriptions.
  • Ease of Use: Simple setup and execution with Docker.

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Setup the gRPC Image

    rm -r ./proto/Generated
    docker build -t grpc-builder -f Dockerfile.grpcgen .
  2. Initialize a Temporary Container

    docker run --name grpc-temp grpc-builder /bin/true
  3. Retrieve the Generated Files

    docker cp grpc-temp:/app/Generated ./proto
  4. Cleanup: Remove Temporary Container

    docker rm grpc-temp
  5. Update the gRPC Files (if needed)

    from generated import audio_transcription_pb2 as audio__transcription__pb2
  6. Launch with Docker Compose

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up

    For client operations:

    docker-compose build grpc-client
    docker-compose up grpc-client