- 1
The `::` val shadows the `::` List constructor
#189 opened by coreyoconnor - 4
Conv2D crash on MNIST in tensforlow lib
#193 opened by novakov-alexey-zz - 1
"Getting started" does not work
#197 opened by artekzet - 0
when we will support keras in our project
#196 opened by mullerhai - 0
load pretrained models
#195 opened by ahmedlone127 - 5
#190 opened by shilkazx - 5
Is higher order ops like fold and map_fn implemented?
#143 opened by doofin - 6
Recursive, Graph-based functions definitions
#153 opened by DirkToewe - 3
Native jni libs contain only darwin artifacts
#188 opened by mandar2812 - 0
"Getting Started" link is broken
#187 opened by andyczerwonka - 1
Missing Symbol with current 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT on macOS
#185 opened by sbrunk - 2
Load trained models
#186 opened by fernandoblalves - 2
Resolving dependencies fail for org.platanios:tensorflow-proto_2.12:0.5.1-SNAPSHOT
#184 opened by samikrc - 1
- 1
Nested arrays to tensor
#163 opened by GratefulTony - 5
SBT Install Documentation is incorrect
#176 opened by clarkmalmgren - 1
Unable to use tensorflow in scala gradle project
#164 opened by LakshKD - 8
publish for scala 2.13
#177 opened by siddhartha-gadgil - 1
BibTeX citation?
#181 opened by vilunov - 2
Windows support
#171 opened by jxtps - 2
Provide HelloWorld equivalent to TF4J
#179 opened by aitorhh - 2
- 1
Getting start doc link is dead
#178 opened by dwsmith1983 - 1
"Input to reshape is a tensor with ... values, but the requested shape has ..." in node Gradients/SumGradient/Reshape_1
#175 opened by Jazzpirate - 12
Memory leak due to Graph and Op not being reclaimed
#161 opened by huynhjl - 3
Support various versions of cuda
#162 opened by langley - 0
Support additional Ops
#172 opened by jxtps - 0
Accuracy dose not increase.
#170 opened by MiyazawaKohei - 0
How should we use checkpoint file?
#169 opened by MiyazawaKohei - 2
Can't import
#166 opened by MiyazawaKohei - 0
datasetFromOutputSlices method not working with Estimator: FailedPreconditionException
#165 opened by mandar2812 - 9
Empty lists always returned from
#159 opened by ljwagerfield - 3
Are precompiled TF libraries still available?
#158 opened by ljwagerfield - 2
Problems with Variable Scope
#156 opened by mandar2812 - 3
- 6
org.platanios.tensorflow.jni.FailedPreconditionException: Input 1 ('Constant') for 'Conv2D' was not previously added to ShapeRefiner.
#157 opened by evan-wehi - 3
No way to convert variables to saveables for tf.saver
#154 opened by Spiess - 2
No way to switch / reset default graph
#155 opened by Spiess - 3
- 14
- 4
No TensorBoard at https://localhost:6006
#145 opened by SrTobi - 1
Example on how to use TFRecordWriter
#151 opened by drivenbyentropy - 1
Gradients.gradients can't handle unused null gradients
#147 opened by Spiess - 6
Cannot create a Saver from MetaGraphDef
#148 opened by xtordoir - 9
Tensor data not read correctly from NPY files
#144 opened by Spiess - 2
Custom OP not working correctly with TensorFlow Scala
#146 opened by Spiess - 1
- 4
- 2
ops.Files not exported
#140 opened by sbrunk - 10
No implicits found for parameter evOutputToDataType
#138 opened by git4sun