
Self Writing HTML Challenge

MIT LicenseMIT

Self Writing HTML Challenge

  1. Create an html file that outputs itself.
  2. The file must pass the following tests...
  3. The solution MUST output content that, when selected and copied, can replace the solution source, and when reloaded, the output looks the same.
  4. The solution MUST validate.
  5. The solution MUST work from a file:// URL
  6. Aim for as few characters as possible.

JS, CSS, tricks, hacks, whatever: are all fair game - there are no MUST NOT's - we'd like to see what you come up with and the different ways it can be done.

Send us a pull request with your solution to include it in the hall of fame.

NB: Start your filename with the number of characters therein - e.g. solutions/js/142_boakes_kopecky.html contains 142 characters. All contributions welcome.


[Jacek Kopecky] (https://github.com/jacekkopecky), [Rich Boakes] (https://github.com/ear1grey), [Dan Harper] (http://github.com/danharper), [Ed Slipszenko] (http://github.com/slipszenko)