
A web search interface for the Verve API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Verve Search

A web search interface for the Verve API

This project was developed as a technical test and a proof of concept for a selection process (July 2018). It is not maintained anymore.

Setup & Running

Please make sure you have Ruby 2.5.x and Nodejs v8.11.x installed; if you're using RVM, NVM or ASDF, there are already .ruby-version, .nvmrc and .tool-versions files available). I'm also using MongoDB as the back-end data-store; please provide the configuration according to the config/mongoid.yml file. The packages under the web folder should be installed through yarn. Once those requirements are met, run the following commands to setup and run the servers:

$ bin/project-setup
$ foreman start

A browser window/tab is automatically opened for http://localhost:3000.


Please take a look at /issues


MIT License © Ewerton Assis