
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Musical Source Separation

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Musical Source Separation

This repository contains routines for data generation and preprocessing, useful in training neural networks with large datasets that do not fit into memory. Additionally, it contains python code to train convolutional neural networks for music source separation and matlab code to evaluate the quality of separation.

For training neural networks we use Lasagne and Theano.

In the "examples" directory we include examples for training neural networks for singing voice source separation with the dataset iKala dataset and for voice, bass, drums separation with DSD100 dataset.

We provide code for separation using already trained models for different tasks.

Singing voice source separation in examples/ikala/separate_ikala.py :

python separate_ikala.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputdir> -m <path_to_model.pkl>

where :

  • <inputfile> is the wav file to separate
  • <outputdir> is the output directory where to write the separation
  • <path_to_model.pkl> is the local path to the .pkl file you can download from this address

Data generation

Compute the features for a given set of audio signals extending the "Transform" class in transform.py

For instance the TransformFFT class helps computing the STFT of an audio signal and saves the magnitude spectrogram as a binary file.


### 1. Computing the STFT of a matrix of signals \"audio\" and writing the STFT data in \"path\" (except the phase)
tt1=transformFFT(frameSize=2048, hopSize=512, sampleRate=44100)
tt1.compute_transform(audio,out_path=path, phase=False)

### 2. Computing the STFT of a single signal \"audio\" and returning the magnitude and phase
tt1=transformFFT(frameSize=2048, hopSize=512, sampleRate=44100)
mag,ph = tt1.compute_file(audio,phase=True)

### 3. Computing the inverse STFT using the magnitude and phase and returning the audio data
#we use the tt1 from 2.
audio = tt1.compute_inverse(mag,phase)

Data preprocessing

Load features which have been computed with transform.py, and yield batches necessary for training neural networks. These classes are useful when the data does not fit into memory, and the batches can be loaded in chunks.


### Load binary training data from the out_path folder
train = LargeDataset(path_transform_in=out_path, batch_size=32, batch_memory=200, time_context=30, overlap=20, nprocs=7)


More details on the separation method can be found in the following article:

P. Chandna, M. Miron, J. Janer, and E. Gomez, “Monoaural audio source separation using deep convolutional neural networks” International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, 2017. PDF

#Dependencies for running separation python 2.7

numpy, scipy, cPickle, theano, lasagne

#Dependencies for training python 2.7

climate, numpy, scipy, cPickle, theano, lasagne

The dependencies can be installed with pip:

pip install numpy scipy pickle cPickle climate theano 
pip install https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/archive/master.zip

#Separating Professionally Produced Music We separate voice, bass, drums and accompaniment using DSD100 dataset comprising professionally produced music. For more details about the challenge, please refer to SiSEC MUS challenge and DSD100 dataset.

The code to for feature computation and training the network can be found in "examples/dsd100" folder.

#iKala - Singing voice separation We separate voice and accompaniment using the iKala dataset. For more details about the challenge, please refer to MIREX Singing voice separation 2016 and iKala dataset.

The code to for feature computation and training the network can be found in "examples/ikala" folder.

#Training models

For iKala :

python -m examples.ikala.compute_features
python -m examples.ikala.trainCNN

For SiSEC MUS using DSD100 dataset :

python -m examples.dsd100.compute_features
python -m examples.dsd100.trainCNN


The metrics are computed with bsseval images v3.0, as described here.

The evaluation scripts can be found in the subfolder "evaluation". The subfolder "script_cluster" contains scripts to run the evaluation script in parallel on a HPC cluster system.

For iKala, you need to run the script evaluate_SS_iKala.m for each of the 252 files in the dataset. The script takes as parameters the id of the file, the path to the dataset, and the method of separation, which needs to be a directory containing the separation results, stored in 'output' folder.

for id=1:252

For SiSEC-MUS/DSD100, use the scripts at the web-page.


Copyright (c) 2014-2017 
Marius Miron <miron.marius at gmail dot com>, 
Pritish Chandna <pc2752 at gmail dot com>
Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona <mtg.upf.edu>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.