NOTE: The LLVM project now operates official Git mirrors as well: http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#git-mirror -- An automated mirror of llvm/trunk from LLVM's SVN. Updates hourly. Release branches and tags are tracked manually. This mirror is *not* commit-ID compatible with the official Git mirrors.
- albertzAachen, Germany
- artob@AsimovPlatform
- ashgtiGoogle
- atduskgregRiot Games
- bsingharora
- chevalunZhejiang University, China
- d3m3vilurrEA
- darkbuck
- decsterStarRocks
- e7dalNL:010
- glynosZurich Instruments
- godfat@GitLab
- ioquatixOrion Transfer Ltd
- juvennShanghai, China
- jyasskin@google
- Kentzo@GreatFruitOmsk
- lygstate
- maliqq
- mflemingNyrkiö
- milkowskiPoland
- mmkassemGermany
- nobled
- okuokuTokyo
- pete@RekkaLabs
- petebIostream Solutions
- plessl@pc2
- ransfordSeattle, WA
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- shepting@airbnb
- skahackJapan
- ssoria
- ThisIsMissEm@Unobvious-Technology / @brandedcode
- vargaz@microsoft
- vpavlu
- vsemenov
- wujiangNYC