
IP geolocation as a service

Primary LanguageHaskellISC LicenseISC


Geode is a simple Web frontend for MaxMind's GeoIP2 City database.


Purchase a GeoIP2 City database, or grab a free GeoLite2 City database from MaxMind:

$ curl -s "https://download.maxmind.com/app/geoip_download?edition_id=GeoLite2-City&license_key=<LICENSE_KEY>&suffix=tar.gz" | \
  tar -xz

Build, test, and run

Use Nix to build and test:

$ nix-build

Then run the compiled binary:

$ GEOIP_DB=GeoLite2-City.mmdb PORT=3000 ./result/bin/geode
Running geode...
Setting phasers to stun... (port 3000) (ctrl-c to quit)


Try it out:

$ curl localhost:3000/
    "city": "Boardman",
    "continent": "North America",
    "continentCode": "NA",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "countryName": "United States",
    "latitude": 45.8491,
    "longitude": -119.7143,
    "postalCode": "97818",
    "region": "OR",
    "regionName": "Oregon"

If you make a request to / (leaving off any IP address) Geode will look up your IP address by checking for any X-Forwarded-For header then falling back to the socket address of your client.