"If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be." - Yogi Berra
Yogi Berra was the best catcher of all time. This gem will catch all of your rails error in production or development and store them in mongodb if it can. It uses the mongodb_ruby_driver in a non-blocking way.
Mongo::MongoClient.new(host, port, :w => 0)
The :w => 0
option here makes requests to the mongodb server not wait for a response.
This will begin to fill a buffer when there is no connection. When the connection returns
the buffer will be entered into the database. There can be data loss if the buffer overflows.
There are some messages in the logs which will tell you if the connection is down.
This makes the catcher work when it does and not crash or slow when it doesn't.
add yogi_berra to your Gemfile:
gem 'yogi_berra'
Create a yogi.yml file in rails root config/ folder. Here is a sample:
defaults: &defaults
username: yogi
password: berra
project: yogi_project
<<: *defaults
database: yogi_berra
host: localhost
port: 27017
Generate an initializer
rails g yogi_berra:install [--resque|--sidekiq]
Create an initializer manually, here is an example:
require 'yogi_berra/rails'
# Sidekiq error handling support
# require 'yogi_berra/sidekiq'
# Resque error handling support
# require 'resque/failure/multiple'
# require 'resque/failure/redis'
# require 'yogi_berra/resque'
# Resque::Failure::Multiple.classes = [Resque::Failure::Redis, YogiBerra::Resque]
# Resque::Failure.backend = Resque::Failure::Multiple
YogiBerra.configure do |config|
# Ignore exception types.
# ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, AbstractController::ActionNotFound and ActionController::RoutingError are already added.
# config.ignored_exceptions += %w{ActionView::TemplateError CustomError}
# Mongodb setup
# should point to the yogi.yml file which should contain the mongodb configuration settings ie
# defaults: &defaults
# username: yogi
# password: berra
# project: rails_yogi_project
# test:
# <<: *defaults
# database: yogi_berra
# host: localhost
# port: 27017
# Optionally a replica set may be used by replacing host with
# replica_set:
# - host1:27017
# - host2:27017
# - host3:27017
config.yogi_yml = "#{Rails.root}/config/yogi.yml"
variable to tell yogi which environment you would like to use.
For instance given the previous yaml file, one could use YOGI_ENV=development
Use YogiBerra::Catcher.load_db_settings("location_to_some_yaml_file.yml")
to load your database settings.
Finally store a rescued exception:
raise Exception
rescue => raised
To view the exceptions you check them in the database or install this rails app. https://github.com/earlonrails/yogi_berra_scoreboard.git
To :
Thoughtbot Airbrake: https://github.com/airbrake/airbrake/tree/master/lib/airbrake This gem is awesome and was the base for most of the code here.
Exception Engine: https://github.com/Consoci8/exception_engine Which is an app which was the inital fork to start this code base. Just took out the need for mongoid, and a rails app. Made it into a gem that will later have a rails app to view the exceptions. Exception engine also credits Thoughtbot for the Hoptoad::Notice part of the code. Hoptoad is now airbrake.