
Magento InchooXternal extension for including external css and js

Primary LanguagePHP

I'm not author of this script

This is taken from http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/how-to-add-external-javascript-css-file-to-magento/ I just don't like code in blog post and this few lines of code is very helpful for me so I create repo at github with information how to use it


This script is magento extension which give you ability to add external JS and css scripts in head section.


  • Just copy files.
  • edit app/etc/config.xml and add:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <inchoo_xternal module="Inchoo_Xternal">
  • In your configurations (for example layout/page.xml) use
<action method="addExternalItem"><type>external_js</type><name>http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min.js</name><params/></action>
<action method="removeExternalItem"><type>external_css</type><name>http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.8.2r1/build/fonts/fonts-min.css</name><params/></action>