
Build a Stream Server with Nginx

License Docker Registry lastcommit


CopyRight 2021-2022 TechProber. All rights reserved.

Maintainer: Kevin Yu (@yqlbu) , Huang (@earrmouth) , and Su (@SuLingGG)

This repo serves to provide the end-users a way to host their stream server easily with Nginx

Import Notes:

Both rtmp and http are recognized as stream in Nginx

Usage Guide

Since this repository is a clone from the original nginx-http-flv-module, please find the detail usage guide from it


Create the /etc/nginx/ directory

sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx
cd /etc/nginx

Nginx Configuration

Import Notes:

The nginx.conf are stored under /etc/nginx/, you may modify the default path to adjust your need.

Replace ./nginx.conf with your own configuration, if you plan to add extra configurations such as rewrite-rules. During the container build period, The nginx.conf will be copied to the associated path in the container.

Custom http assets

Import Notes:

The http-assets are stored under /etc/nginx/, you may modify the default path to adjust your need.

Place your http assets under /etc/nginx/. The data will be mapped to /www inside the container

Run Locally

# run container locally
make run

# restart container locally
make restart

# run with docker-compose natively
docker-compose up -d

CN Support

Use the cn-alicloud as apk source to build the image locally

# run container locally
docker-compose -f ./build/cn-support/docker-compose.yml up -d

# restart container locally
docker-compose -f ./build/cn-support/docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate

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