
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Status


LEDBot is a scheduler and application server. You can use it to stream images, messages, emoji and more to LED message displays in your home, office, school or hacker space.

At the moment LEDbot can accept input from Recurse Center's internal chat system, Zulip, a web front-end and API, Slack, IRC and fetch arbitrary JSON feeds. It shouldn't be difficult to add other types of input. Take a look at the code and write another listener!

Emoji in LED form

Currently pipeline is working, supports these commands.


command parameters
led-bot show-image <image-url> An image url
led-bot <text> maximum of 1000 characters


A simple browser-based front-end is available at http://host:4000/. Text and images can be sent via POST requests to API end points.

end point parameters
http://host:4000/ browser-based front-end
http://host:4000/show-image/ url=image url
http://host:4000/show-text/ message=your_text&color=255,0,0


Message or mention LEDbot with the following

command Details
show <text> Displays given text
img <url> Displays image at given url
color <r> <g> <b> Sets text color


LEDBot now has basic support for Slack. Register your bot and then send a message @ledbot.

e.g. @ledbot: hello, world will print hello, world


LEDBot can connect to a MQTT broker and subscribe to channels for "push" notifications. This functionality is very minimal at the moment and can be expanded upon with additional parameters. By default LEDBot listens to channel ledbot/ on the public broker test.mosquitto.org

JSON Feeds

LEDBot can periodically pull data from arbitrary feeds (ex: weather, quotes, news articles) and add them to the queue. This functionality is still rough and in development see webFillerHandler.py

Output is Open Pixel Control.

LEDBot uses NYC Resistor's LEDscape as our low-level interface and a Noto Font to support Latin, Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese and Korean character sets.

Installation instructions

The documentation for the project is on Read the docs


This project aims to be AWESOME to contribute to, especially for new Recursers. To begin contributing, look at the long list of issues we have!


Created at Recurse Center (formerly Hacker School), Summer 2014