
A simple client for authenticating and calling the Space-Track.org API

Primary LanguagePHP


Services_SpaceTrack is a very thin API client for http://space-track.org. What it really provides is a simple sendRequest() method and automation of authenticating.

Example usage

Example usage for getting the latest TLE for the ISS:


require_once 'Services/SpaceTrack.php';

$st = new Services_SpaceTrack(
         'username' => 'myusername',
         'password' => 'mypassword'

try {
    $tle = $st->getLatestTLE('25544');
} catch (Services_SpaceTrack_Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

echo $tle;

Running tests

You'll need phpunit installed, and Xdebug if you want code coverage. Coverage report will be in test/coverage.

cd test && phpunit .