- Edit the input_params.yml
- Run the script
python check_traces_single_station.py
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Obspy
- Pyyaml
- Pandas
- Compared the Specfem Layered with Polynomial: matches fairly well
- Compared the Specfem Layered with ocean vs Specfem layered without ocean
- Compared RegSEM with Normal-mode synthetics
- Compared RegSEM with SPECFEM for no ocean, no topography: matches very well
- Compared the SPECFEM runs for R_EARTH = 6371 and 6368 km
- Compared SPECFEM with/without elevated receivers
- Compared SPECFEM with SPECFEM version with etopo values 0
Model: Preliminary Earth Reference Model, with the ocean layer of thickness 3 km
- Spherical Earth: ON
- Anisotropy: ON
- Oceans: ON
- Topography: ON
- Gravity: OFF
- Attenuation: OFF
- Ellipticity: OFF
Event-Stations Map
- Comparison between SPECFEM, RegSEM and NMS (Normal-mode synthetics) with OCEAN, anisotropy and Topography. No mirror for the cases of SPECFEM and RegSEM.
BBB Time
BBB Frequency