This notebook has been created for the BSL talk on Feb 02, 2022 at McCone Hall, University of California, Berkeley
python -m venv geoviz
source geoviz/bin/activate
pip install pygmt
- Try:
python -c "import pygmt"
if there's no ImportError
, then you are good to go.
If there's any pygmt import problem, install GMT separately and link the libgmt.dylib
file to the file python is looking for!
- One way to install GMT is
conda install gmt -c conda-forge
ln -s ~/miniconda3/envs/boxgmt/lib/libgmt.dylib ~/miniconda3/envs/geoviz/lib/libgmt.dylib
conda create --name geoviz --channel conda-forge pandas pygmt jupyter notebook
conda env export > environment.yml