
Python utility program to convert mseed file to the mat format

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Python utility program to convert mseed file to mat

  • by Utpal Kumar, IESAS, 2021/04
  • matlab script to read the mat data and analyze


Using Anaconda/Miniconda

conda create -n earthinversion
conda activate earthinversion
conda install -c conda-forge obspy

Using venv

python -m venv earthinversion
source earthinversion/bin/activate
pip install obspy


type python convert_mseed_mat.py -h

usage: convert_mseed_mat.py [-h] -inp INPUT_MSEED [-out OUTPUT_MAT]

Python utility program to convert mseed file to mat (by Utpal Kumar, IESAS, 2021/04)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -inp INPUT_MSEED, --input_mseed INPUT_MSEED
                        input mseed file, e.g. example_2020-05-01_IN.RAGD..BHZ.mseed
  -out OUTPUT_MAT, --output_mat OUTPUT_MAT
                        output mat file name, e.g. example_2020-05-01_IN.RAGD..BHZ.mat

Output data structure

  • stats contains all the meta data information corresponding to each trace and
  • data contain the time series data
mat_file.mat -> stats, data
stats -> stats_0, stats_1, ...
data -> data_0, data_1, ...


python convert_mseed_mat.py -inp example_2020-05-01_IN.RAGD..BHZ.mseed

Utility Program Plot using Obspy

Utility Program Plot using Obspy

MATLAB time series plot

MATLAB time series plot

MATLAB spectrogram plot

MATLAB spectrogram plot