
Ask for weather information like a human

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



Ask for weather information like a human.


Understand typical questions like:

  • Hourly temperatures in Potsdam on 2020-09-15.
  • Rain probability tomorrow in Berlin.
  • Will it rain next week?
  • Wird es morgen heiss?
  • Wird es morgen regnen?
  • Ist es morgen regnerisch?


This is just a humble evaluation for parsing human-readable sentences into a structured type in order to be passed on to a weather data acquisition library like Wetterdienst. Currently, this is not implemented yet.

For the NLP task, the program evaluates the fine Python libraries spaCy and Flair.

As this is project is in its early stages, contributions are very welcome. Specifically, it would be sweet to see tests for languages other than English or German.


make setup

Run tests

make test


source .venv/bin/activate

# English
python wq.py Snow depth on Zugspitze
python wq.py Sunshine in Kharagpur
python wq.py Rain in Chengdu
python wq.py Temperature in Nanchang
python wq.py Particulates in Stuttgart on 2020-09-17
python wq.py hourly temperatures in Potsdam on 2020-09-15
python wq.py maximum temperature in Munich tomorrow
python wq.py Tell me the weather in Tokyo, Japan on the 6th January 1975.
python wq.py What will the weather be in London, England next Wednesday?
python wq.py What was the weather in Washington,DC last 4th July?

# German
python wq.py Sonnenschein auf Helgoland
python wq.py Ozonwerte in Freiburg
python wq.py Nebel im Taunus
python wq.py Feinstaub in Stuttgart am 17.09.2020
python wq.py Stuendliche Temperaturen in Berlin, gestern um 23:00 Uhr
python wq.py Berliner Temperaturen um 11:00 Uhr
python wq.py Taegliche Berliner Temperaturen im Juli
python wq.py Berliner Tagestemperatur um 11:00 Uhr
python wq.py Berliner Tagestemperaturen um 11:00 Uhr

# Chinese
python wq.py 成都的雨
python wq.py 南昌的温度
python wq.py 南昌明天的温度
python wq.py 2020年9月17日南昌市的温度

# Hindi
python wq.py खड़गपुर में बारिश
python wq.py खड़गपुर में धूप
python wq.py कल खड़गपुर में धूप
python wq.py 2020-09-17 को खड़गपुर में धूप

Other implementations

The article How to find weather data using NLP (Natural Language Processing) by Andrew Wigmore of Visual Crossing Corporation describes how to use Natural language processing (NLP) to create a sample Java application that can find weather data using "natural language" text questions. This allows users to find weather data using queries such as:

  • Tell me the weather in Tokyo, Japan on the 6th January 1975.
  • What will the weather be in London, England next Wednesday?
  • What was the weather in Washington,DC last 4th July?

It is based on Stanford CoreNLP. Find the code example at NLPWeatherDataSample.java.