


  • ALOS2 L1.5 and L2.1 ingestion (GeoTIFF format)

    • download
    • extract
    • create visualization with map tiles on leaflet
      • compute polygon from GTiff (zoom level 0-14)
  • ALOS2 L1.1 ingestion (CEOS format)

    • download
    • extract
    • attempt to get the coverage area via BOS SARCAT, if scene_id not found --> uses ISCE ALOS-2 insarApp preprocessing step

Associated job:

Job 1: ALOS2 Ingest from AUIG2

  • Type: Individual

  • Facet: None required

  • User inputs:

    Fields Description Type
    auig2_orderid Order ID from AUIG2 portal str
    auig2_username Account username associated with this order str
    auig2_password Account password associated with this order str

Job 2: ALOS2 Ingest from Sentinel Asia

  • Type: Individual

  • Facet: None required

  • User inputs:

    Fields Description Type Example
    data_id Data ID of singular ALOS-2 file from Sentinel-Asia to ingest str JPJXisis0001201908160001
    eor_id EOR ID of the event - will ingest all compatible ALOS-2 files from that EOR. str ERAHAC000007
    start_date Date to start scraping (YYYYMMDD) - will scrape for all EOR IDs from start_date to now str 20190930
    queue Autoscaling queue to submit multiple downloads for. Only applicable for eor_id or start_date. str aria-job_worker-large

    *Note: Only specify either data_id / eor_id / start_date for each job

Job 3: ALOS2 Ingest from Download URL

  • Type: Individual

  • Facet: None required

  • User inputs:

    Fields Description Type Example
    download_url URL where an ALOS-2 zipped file stored to be downloaded. E.g. from a webdav server str https"//my-webdav-url/test/

Ingesting ALOS2 L1.1 from gekko HPC

This package also has scripts to create ALOS-2 metadata from stored ALOS-2 data in a HPC system and ingesting it into the ARIA system to reflect the archive. This workflow utilizes the HPC nodes to run the scripts that create the neccessary metadata and ingests it into the ARIA system. Hence, hysds libraries has to be installed in the HPC system for this to work.

Available scripts:


    • Given a directory, -dir, recursively walk through directories for any IMG-HH*/IMG-HV* files. Extract the unique scene date and submit a ingest-alos2-md job via ingest2aria.pbs(with folder scene is stored and date)

    • Runs in HPC nodes
    • Given a directory -dir, and date -fdate, creates a temp directory, symlinking all files with *fdate* in dir.
    • Gather file locations and create metadata.json, dataset.json based on IMG-H* filenames and bos-sarcat query. Ingest metadata into ARIA.
  • ingest2aria.pbs

    • PBS HPC script to submit ingest_alos2_md to nodes.

To ingest metadata for ALOS-2 stored in NTU gekko:

python3 ./alos2-ingest/gekko/ -dir /home/data/INSAR/ALOS2/ -pbs ./alos2-ingest/gekko/ingest2aria.pbs 

ALOS2 Datasets

  • Based on the IMG-* file names in the uncompressed ALOS-2 package, the above jobs will all create different ALOS-2 datasets (L1.1/L1.5/L2.1):

    ALOS-2 Format type dataset
    ALOS L1.1 CEOS alos2_slc ALOS2-L1.1-SLC
    ALOS L1.5 GeoTIFF L1.5_geotiff ALOS2_GeoTIFF
    ALOS L2.1 GeoTIFF L2.1_geotiff ALOS2_GeoTIFF
    ALOS L1.1 Metadata alos2_slc_md ALOS2-L1.1_SLC-MD
  • Product format:

    Product Description Example
    ALOS2 Main Product Re-packaged zipped file of ALOS2 main data. Similar to AUIG2 format, but zipped once. ALOS2*-YYMMDD-*1.5*.zip (for L1.5)
    ALOS2*-YYMMDD-*2.1* (for L2.1)
    ALOS2*-YYMMDD-*1.1*.zip (for L1.1)
    Browse images Only available for L1.5 and L2.1, browse images of geotiffs. IMG-HX-ALOS2*_disp.browse.png