Datatables Rails
Example use in the controller
json =
render :json => json.struct
Example use in the view
DatatablesRails::Out.javascript "datatables", {:process => true, :jqueryui => true, :paginate => true}, "foobar.json", ["edit", "full_name"]
Formatting the result and adding extra things (like links, or formatting currency)
json =
json.formatter do |u|
u['edit'] = "<a href='#{edit_user_path(u['id'])}'>Edit</a>"
u['balance'] = number_to_currency(u['balance'])
Using server side processing
The best way to do this is just build contiously ontop of an AR relation/object. There might be a more effecient way to do this, but this works. The only assumption is that you're using will_paginate but this could easily be adapated to something else (Like Kaminari).
Fields = ["fields", "you", "want", "to", "display"]
page = 1
page = params[:iDisplayStart].to_i/params[:iDisplayLength].to_i+1 if params[:iDisplayStart]
e = ModelName
total_record_size = 0
display_length = 10
if params[:iDisplayLength].to_i > 10
display_length = params[:iDisplayLength].to_i
if params[:iSortCol_0].to_i != 0
sort_column = DatatableFields[params[:iSortCol_0].to_i]
sort_direction = params[:sSortDir_0]
e = e.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_direction}")
if params[:sSearch] != "" && !params[:sSearch].nil?
search = Fields.collect{|d| "#{d} LIKE '%#{params[:sSearch]}%'" }.compact.join(' OR ')
e = e.where(search)
total_record_size = e.count
e = e.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => display_length)
total_record_size = e.count
e = e.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => display_length)
json =
json_struct = json.struct
json_struct["iTotalRecords"] = total_record_size
json_struct["iTotalDisplayRecords"] = total_record_size
json_struct["sEcho"] = params[:sEcho]
render :json => json_struct
Building it
gem build datatables_rails.gemspec
Forking it
Feel free to fork this and make any additions, just make sure to run the tests.
You can run all the tests by just calling rake: