
Turn JS files into PLV8 functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript



plv8ify bundles typescript/javascript input and writes SQL file(s) containing Postgres functions using PLV8.


  • Interchange code between API and Database
  • Write code in Typescript and use it in Postgres


  1. npm install -g plv8ify
  2. Sample input.ts
const { point: turfPoint } = require('@turf/helpers')

export function point(lat, long) {
  const pt = turfPoint([lat, long])
  return pt
  1. Run plv8ify generate
  2. Step 3 emits SQL file with names like ./plv8-dist/plv8ify_point.plv8.sql (one for each exported function)
  3. Execute the generated ./plv8-dist/plv8ify_point.plv8.sql using a Postgres client
  4. Call the generated function using a Postgres client SELECT plv8ify_point(52.5200,13.4050);
  5. Steps 1-6 converted a Typescript file into a PLV8 executable function

CLI Arguments

Generate Command Flags Type Description Default
--debug Boolean Print additional debug information false
--write-esbuild-output Boolean Write the intermediate bundled Javascript output from ESBuild false
--input-file String Specify an input file path (only Typescript supported at the moment) input.ts
--output-folder String Specify an output folder plv8ify-dist
--scope-prefix String Specify a scope prefix, by default plv8ify adds plv8ify_ as prefix for exported typescript functions plv8ify
--fallback-type String Specify a fallback type when plv8ify fails to map a detected Typescript type to a Postges type JSONB
--mode 'inline' or 'start_proc' Bundle the library inline in each function or bundle the libary to be used with plv8.start_proc inline


  • Custom function name
  • Export multiple functions
  • Input arguments - basic setup
  • Flag to Emit intermediate file
  • Input arguments - support most data types
  • Input file name
  • Output folder name
  • Return type guessing
  • Typescript as input
  • Javascript as input
  • Typescript for plv8ify code
  • For each exported bundle, use tree-shaken bundle, currently, each bundle gets all of the Javascript
  • Test cases


  • Very early, only a small number of types supported
  • Only supports typescript as input at the moment
  • Scaling an application server is easier than scaling a database server, moving the logic in database as postgres functions makes it easier (IMO SQL is declarative, like React for data) to call the code/do some things but you are effectively shifting compute from application server to database server which might be a bad idea in most cases.

Prior Art


If you want to reach out to me, please DM me on https://twitter.com/divyenduz or email me at mail at divyendusingh.com