Setting up AKS Testing Environment

  • Create an AKS cluster
  • Create an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Make sure that you have the right number of nodes
  • Mark one of the nodes for Telegraf-only deployment, for example if you want to makr the node aks-agentpool-65819783-1 then you do that by two stesps:
    • invoke the command kubectl taint nodes aks-agentpool-65819783-1 workload=telegraf:NoSchedule. This will make sure that no workload is scheduled on this node unless the worload has the same teleration of workload=telegraf:NoSchedule.
    • inovoke the command kubectl label node aks-agentpool-65819783-1 workload=telegraf, this will add the label workload=telegraf to the node. Then once we want to create the Telegraf deployment (coming below) we use the nodeSelector configuration with the same label to make sure that the deployment is scheduled on that node sepcifically.
  • The folder sample-helm-chart is a folder borrowed from the repository, but we modified it so that:
    • The secret in templates/secret.yaml is unique to the release by adding {{ .Release.Name }} to the end of the name of the secret.
    • Do the same as above to the configMap in templates/mssqlconfig.yaml.
    • Make sure to replace the references to the names of the secret and the config above in the templates/deployment.yaml file.
    • Remove all the volumes and the volumeMounts in templates/deployment.yaml except for the mssql-config-volume volume. We do this because we are just measuring the metrics part of the server, we don't need to persist any data.
    • In the values.yaml change the service type to be “ClusterIP” as we don’t want to expose the SQL servers to the internet.
  • From any Telegraf repo (where you want to create the image from):
    • checkout the branch you want create an image from.
    • From the terminal in the root path Telegraf, invoke the command make docker-image. This will build a docker image tagged with the current commit SHA (make sure you have Docker installed).