
I envisioned a world where our increasing online behavior resulted in all humans lacking the ability to understand facial expressions and emotions.

Future Amazon Fresh Employee

Tasked with building a device from a potential future, I envisioned a world where our increasing online behavior resulted in all humans lacking the ability to understand facial expressions and emotions.

Through the use of computer vision, I categorize the user's face expression and transmit that to a speaker on the hat which annouces their emotion.

Images and Schematics

Schematic Above is the schematic for the hat including the audio amplifier and radio connections

UpcloseImage Above is what the circuitry looks like upclose

OnDisplay Above is my project on display during our class symposium

How to Run

Since there are two components to this projects, run the commands below for each portion.


Install the following packages through the Arduino IDE:

  • Talkie
  • RF24

Flash the TheEmotionizer3000.ino on to the hat and flash sendModule.ino on to the Arduino device tethered to the computer


Install the requiste packages with

pip install requirements.txt

Plug your computer into arduino. This project uses serial communication between the arduino and your computer

python recognition3.py