
Display interface for Atmel Xplained Pro with a temperature sensor demo

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Xplained Pro: Realtime Temperature Sensor Display Demo

This demo showcases a data visualization using the actual data sent from Atmel's Xplained Pro.

The Atmel temperature sensor monitors temperatures and streams the data to this live-updating dashboard in realtime. The temperature sensor measures the ambient temperature connect to the WiFi using ATWINC1500 module, and publishes it as a data stream to a channel via the PubNub Data Stream Network. This is made possible with the PubNub SDK running on the D21 MCU chip.

Then this web-based visual display subscribes to this channel to visualize the data stream.

Running this Demo

This demo is optimized only for Chrome browser on a large display screen.

Try it on your browser

This demo required a physical device running. Also, the UI is optimized for large display (2560 x 1440) for tradeshow demo.

If you see a blank graph with purple background, the hardware is not running properly.


Xplained Pro Turorial

Atmel Xplained Pro: Realtime Temperature Sensor by Bhavana Srinivas


Subscribing Data from the Hardware


To plat a graph, instead of just sending raw data from the sensor, the data is sent in JSON format like this:

{"columns": [
    ["temperature", "55.00"]

Normally, you can subscribe messages using PubNub Subscribe API as following:

  channel: channel,
  callback: function(m) { 
    // do something

However, in this demo, you are not using the subscribe API, but instead, using EON Chart framework that lets you subscribe and generate a graph all together.

Data Visualization with EON

EON is an open-source data visualization library that built on top of C3.js, which is a D3.js wrapper, and helps you to generate realtime charts and graphs easily.

So instead of use subscribe API, use EON to plot a graph while subscribing:

  channel: 'Atmel_Pubnub,
  generate: {
    bindto: '#chart',
    data: {
      colors: {
          temperature: 'white'
    size: {
      height: 440
    //... more config for data visualization
  connect: function(m) {
   // callback function to call when the initial connection is established
  message: function(m) {
   // callback function to call each time message is received